Nov. 06 2014

Starship – 400dt Patrol Cruiser (Corvette)

Category: News,StarshipMirco @ 16:13

400dt Patrol Corvette (Patrol Cruiser)



 :HEADER Patrol/Escort Patrol Corvette EP-DS43, TL 12, 400 tons, MCr 162

Using a 400-ton, TL12 hull, the Patrol Corvette mounts the Gayle Field type 03 jump drive (F), the Slipstream Hw.44 maneuver drive (H), and the Zahinyo 4.6H/s power plant (H), giving a performance of jump-3 and 4G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports a 3 parsec jump, at 40t per parsec, and one month of operations. Attached to the bridge is a Computer Model/3 std. There are 8 staterooms, barracks for gunners and troops, and 4 low berths. Installed weaponry include 2 T3 Missiles, and 2 T3 Beam Lasers. Cargo capacity is 50 tons. The ship has a streamlined hull.

Vol Name TL Free Gs J PP Fuel Duration MCr Computer Crew Psgr. LB Notes
400 Patrol Cruiser 12 50 4 3 4 136 4 weeks 162 Model/3 std 8 0 4 10 barracks, s30, gc

Carried craft include 1 Slow Boat (hangared), and 1 GCarrier (in a niche). The ship has 10 crew and 8 troops.


 Table showing tail numbers and construction information for the Patrol Corvette class. 
 Information correct as of 001-1100.
             	  Building          	  Keel Laid	  First    	  Current  
 Tail ID     	  Shipyard          	       Down	  Flight   	  Status   
 ____________	  __________________	  _________	  _________	  _________
 D43-400     	  Gashidda No. 3    	   177-1090	   353-1092	  Building
 D43-403     	  Zagado            	   348-1090	   117-1093	  In Service
 D43-411     	  Vlandian No. 2    	    71-1091	   163-1093	  Destroyed
 D43-417     	  Yard 11 No. 1     	   211-1091	   158-1092	  In Service
 D43-444     	  Vlandian No. 2    	    90-1092	   360-1092	  Scrapped
 D43-446     	  Sabaald           	    91-1092	   141-1094	  Fitting Out
 D43-465     	  Yard 16 No. 2     	    88-1092	   101-1093	  Captured
 D43-467     	  Clan Severn       	   313-1092	   184-1095	  In Service
 D43-477     	  Yard 11 No. 1     	   364-1092	   300-1094	  In Service
 D43-481     	  Gashidda No. 1    	    81-1093	   263-1095	  Lost 1102
 D43-489     	  Yard 16 No. 3     	   132-1093	   337-1094	  In Service
 D43-495     	  Commonal          	   239-1093	   320-1096	  In Service
 D43-519     	  Sabaald           	   272-1093	   154-1095	  Lost 1100
 D43-531     	  Gashidda No. 2    	    73-1094	   135-1096	  In Service
 D43-534     	  Yard 16 No. 1     	   144-1094	   313-1095	  Lost 1102
 D43-555     	  Yard 16 No. 1     	   275-1094	   122-1097	  Scrapped
 D43-572     	  Yard 17           	    16-1095	   193-1098	  Missing
 D43-587     	  Yard 16 No. 1     	   212-1095	   249-1096	  Missing
 D43-596     	  Gashidda No. 1    	   251-1095	   198-1096	  In Service
 D43-614     	  Bilstein Yards    	    32-1096	   326-1096	  In Service
 D43-628     	  Ling Standard     	   164-1096	    71-1099	  In Service
 D43-639     	  Vlandian No. 1    	   213-1096	   359-1098	  Scrapped
 D43-649     	  Mars              	   174-1096	     2-1098	  In Service
 D43-660     	  Commonal          	   233-1096	    44-1099	  Building
   Vol  No  Label                            MCr  Notes                         
 -----  --  ------------------------------ -----  ------------------------------
   400      Streamlined Hull, lifters         30  S, lifters                    
   120      Jump Fuel (3  parsecs)             0  3 parsec jump, at 40t per parsec
    16      Plant Fuel (one month)             0  one month                     
     4      Landing legs with pads             4                                
     2      Fins                               1                                
    25      PowerPlant-4 (H)                  25  P 4                           
    35      Jump Drive-3 (F)                  35  J 3                           
    16      AV=24. 2 Kinetic Plate             0                                
     3      Computer Model/3 std            10.5                                
     0      AR Surf Communicator             1.5                                
     0      AR Surf Jammer                   1.5                                
     0      AR Surf Scope                    1.5                                
     0      AR Surf Neutrino Detector        1.5                                
     1      AR Ant EMS                       1.5                                
     0      AR Surf Stealth Mask             1.5                                
     2   2  AR T3 Missile                    2.4                                
     2   2  Vd T3 Beam Laser                   3                                
    50      Cargo Hold Basic                   0                                
     2      Life Support Long Term             2  40 person-months              
     4      Surgery                            3                                
     2      Counsellor                       0.2                                
     1   2  Air Lock                         0.2                                
    40      Slow Boat (hangared)              14                                
    12      GCarrier (niche)                 4.5                                
   7.5      Mod Maneuver Drive-4 (H)          15  4 G                           
     8   2  Gunner/Troop Barracks            0.4  (5) R1 R1 R2 R2 R3            
     2   4  Low Berth                        0.4  1 passenger                   
    16   8  Crew Stateroom                   0.8  1 crew                        
    16   4  Crew Lounge                        0                                
     1   2  Crew Shared Fresher                1  4 crew                        
    10      Spacious Bridge                  0.6  1cc 4op 0ws                   
   398                              TOTALS   162

Nov. 05 2014

Starship – 1000ton Tukera Long Liner

Category: Deckplan,Project,StarshipMirco @ 15:45

100odt Tukera Long Liner

Using a 1000-ton streamlined hull, the Tukera Long Liner is a main-route passenger transport serving much of the Imperium. It mounts a  jump drive V,  maneuver drive E, and power plant V to supply power for one month of continuous operation, giving performance of Jump-4 and 1G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports a month of operations and one jump-4. On the bridge is a Model/4 computer. There are 50 staterooms and 5 emergency low berths. The ship has five hardpoints. Only one triple turret is usually installed; it carries a heterogeneous mix of one beam laser, one missile rack, and one sandcaster. The ship carries one vehicle: a 20-ton launch, grappled to the hull. Cargo capacity for the long-liner is 130 tons.


Scan from The Traveller Adventure, (c) FFE

The Long Liner requires a crew of 13: captain/pilot, astrogator, 6 engineers, medic, 3 stewards, and gunner. The pilot or astrogator operates the launch. The ship can carry up to 36 passengers.

1000;Tukera RT Long Liner;15;130;1;4;4;404;one Month;254.3;Model/4 std;13;36;14;s20, U, +33

Deckplan found on the Inter-webs

Image found on the Inter-webs

Design specs by Robert Eaglestone

Okt. 11 2014

Starship – 600ton Subsidized Liner

Category: Project,StarshipMirco @ 3:31

The Subsidized Liner comes in several variants. The most common being the standard Stellar-Class and the slightly modified Bastien-Class Liners. There is a supplement by Loren Wiseman on RPGNow detailing the ship in four variants, including Deckplans and Adventure Seeds.

600 Subsidized Liner 12 2 1 3 3 199 one month 134.50 Model/2bis std 5 21 20 s10(s20)

I have a problem with this ship, or – to be precise – with it’s subcraft. According to TNE it sports a 10ton launch (a life boat by CT definition or customs) , CT assigns a 20ton launch so well, why not a 30 ton ships boat? Nah, just kidding, but at the time the rendering was done, only the Ships Boat model was in a representable condition.

I will likely model the basic liner and at least the Mercenary Cruiser variant (similar to the ship detailed in the MegaTraveller Supplement Assignment: Vigilante available via RPGNow).

The image below shows a popular depiction of the Liner (well popular in my book). The subcraft Dock is normaly located beneath the main fuselage.


There are still a few models I am eager to make and the Liner is no exception. It is in the very early stages of blocking out the vessel, but a tiny preview is due taday. See… but wait… that’s a Ship’s Boat and it’s in a cradle on top of the hull. What the hell am I up to?

Below: an older image now superceeded by the above.


And that’s it for now. Cheers.

Mai 21 2014

Judges Guild Starships Facelifting

Category: News,StarshipMirco @ 12:33

So, long time no posting. That’ll change in the near future. I currently plan to revisit the JG ships and craft. First to give you an idea were I’m heading a scan of the original craft…tmp_Screenshot_2014-05-21-08-35-05-1-1215362326


And that same image painted over with the planned facelift…


I hope to start modelling these during May and will keep you updated here.



Sep. 05 2013

Starships – Meet the Lone Lady (200dt Far Trader)

Category: Old News,StarshipMirco @ 20:40

So now that I have finally made the descision to include the Far Trader in my Traveller Calendar 2014 submission, I have to get going with the texturing of the vessel. Rob Caswell published a drawing of the Far Trader challenging the DA Community to come up with a paint scheme (or – well – colorizing the ship).


I used his Drawing to create the following paint scheme which is also my current favorite for this ship. I tried to touch a bit on classic 70ies car racing colours (GULF Racing used a light blue and orange coloring).

And now the textured model. I think with a dusty weathering and some more decals I will be good. The bump map, specular map and an admittedly generic hull plating have alteady been added. This works fine for now.

And here comes the drawing…


The tail number states homeworld, ship type, registration number and sector abbreviation and says “Gerim, A2-58738 RD” (RD for Reaver’s Deep).

Next image shows the ship grounded with an open Airlock…


Set in a starport scene I’m currently developing…


Stay tuned for future updates.

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Starships – Meet the Lone Lady (200dt Far Trader)
Category: Far Trader,Starship,Traveller,WIP — admin @ 20:40
05 2013

Juli 29 2013

Starships – 100ton Type H Bounty Hunter

Category: Old News,StarshipMirco @ 22:43

The famed Type H (SN) Bounty Hunter from White Dwarf Mag No.70 is sadly one of the ccoolest ships ever designed an published for Traveller. The deckplan promised a very sleek ship.

One of the cooler Feature is it’s revolving vehicle Bay. A design feature that practically encourages fast paced hit and run action.

The sad truth is there is no full side view available. Actually no one seems to know for sure how it’s supposed to look like. This model matches the deck plans and the visible side profile of the published material.

I always wanted to do it in 3D and it was meant to prove every detail of it’s ultra cool appearance.

How can it be, that it utterly fails to look cool?


I never expected it to look so chubby.


Now I’m going to tweak the model to look cool. And I will use Ian Steeds Version the „Huntress“ as my primary source of dimenional data.

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Starships – 100ton Type H Bounty Hunter
Category: 3D-Model,Bounty Hunter,Starship,Traveller — admin @ 22:43
29 2013

Juli 28 2013

Starships – 100dt X-Boat

Category: Old News,StarshipMirco @ 17:52

100dt X-Boat

Constructed using the 100 ton hull, the express boat is fitted with drives producing jump-4, but no maneuver drive. Fuel tankage is sufficient for one jump. The cramped bridge is complemented by a Model/4 computer. The ship has two staterooms; one is necessary for the single crew member, while the other can carry a passenger. More often, the pilot uses the second room for additional living space. There is a one ton cargo bay which is occasionally used to carry vital cargo such as vaccines or sophisticated repair parts.The ship carries no weapons or hardpoints.

It is equipped with Jump drive-B and a Modified Power Plant-C, and carries sufficient fuel for one Jump-4, and 1 month of operations. Note that the ship when in Jump space can effectivly operate in low power mode thanks to the minimal systems needs and Fusion+ distributed power system. Transfer pumps enable double jumps via detachable drop tanks, which the X-boat service produces in a ’standard‘ 100 ton size to enable quick refueling and jump procedures for the normal X-boat fleet if the tender itself is too busy to dock with the X-boat. The extremely advanced surface communicator is used to tight-beam sensitive encrypted communications to pre-set system ‚listening posts‘ bypassing the need to pass these messages through the X-boat tender crews.

Modeling the X-Boat

So finally I’m going to tackle the X-Boat and Tender for my Traveller ship portfolio. Frankly I didn’t knew in the beginning about how to make an X-Boat look interesting in any way. Maybe I still wonder. But I’m going to model it any way. Even if it’s only blocked out, so I can continue later at any given time.


The first render shows the X-Boat uprigt (as it’s deck layout is vertical) in a Dark Red and Light Grey scheme. The two main outer features are the bridge windows and the double airlock on the starbord side. So thats what you’re going to see.


The second render shows the ship in IISS olive and light grey color scheme.


Im just playing with color variations.

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Starships – 100dt X-Boat and 1000dt X-Boat Tender
Category: 3D-Model,Starship,X-Boat — admin @ 17:52
28 2013

Juli 24 2013

Starships – 100 ton Suleiman Class Scout/Courier

Category: Old News,StarshipMirco @ 2:47


The ship uses a 100-ton Lifting Body hull, the scout/courier is intended for exploration, survey, and courier duties, with many in service throughout known space. It mounts drives giving it jump-2 and 2-G acceleration. Installed on its bridge is a computer Model/1bis and attack-range sensors. Detached duty versions have an open lounge where survey sensors would typically go.

There are four staterooms and no low berths. The ship has one hardpoint; installed on the hardpoint is one double turret beam laser. There is one ship’s vehicle: an air/raft. Cargo capacity is 3 tons. The hull has scoops, bins, and a purification plant for wilderness refueling.

The Scout, by its nature, is built as a one-person operation: a single crew person can handle all operations, albeit inefficiently. On the other hand, the Scout can carry three non-commercial passengers in relative comfort, or up to seven with double occupancy.

Vol Name TL Free Gs Jump Power Fuel Duration MCr Computer Crew Psgr. LB Notes
100 Scout/Courier 9 3 2 2 2 22t 4 weeks 52.2 Model/1bis 1 3 0 lb,fs,1t,a/r

I ought to do this ship. It’s classic, it’s iconic and it’s not really my favourite. But it’s a player’s ship too and there are thousands of these scattered about any given Sector of the Third Imperium. Here’s my humble adaption. THe scale is a bit off. The ship is too large. More Updates will follow.

Front View


And one with the Air/Raft garage open.


That’s it for now

   Vol  No  Label                            MCr  Notes                         
 -----  --  ------------------------------ -----  ------------------------------
   100      Lift body Hull, lifters           17  L, lifters                    
    20      Jump Fuel (2  parsecs)             0  J2, 10t/pc                    
     2      Plant Fuel (one month)             0  one month                     
     1      Fuel Scoops 100t/hr              0.1  100t/hr                       
     1      Fuel Intakes 40t/hr              0.1  40t/hr                        
     1      Vd T2 Beam Laser                   1                                
     8   4  Crew Single Stateroom            0.4  1 crew                        
     1      Crew Common Fresher                1  10 crew                       
     9      Crew Lounge                        0                                
     3      Cargo Hold Basic                   0                                
     1      Fuel Bins 20t/hr                 0.1  20t/hr                        
     4      Air/Raft Enclosed                0.1                                
     2      Vehicle Hangar Overhead            0                                
     1      AR Ant Communicator              1.5                                
     1      AR Ant Scope                     1.5                                
     1      Mail Vault                         0  for express contracts         
     2      Clinic                             1  treats common injuries        
     0      AV=5. 1 Kinetic Shell              0                                
     1      Fuel Purifiers 4t/hr               1  4t/hr                         
     3      AR Ext EMS, imported             2.7                                
     0      Jump Grid                          1                                
     4      Forward Lounge                     0                                
     4      PowerPlant-2 (A)                   4  P 2                           
     2      Maneuver Drive-2 (A)               4  2 G                           
    10      Jump Drive-2 (A)                  10  J 2                           
     1      Landing legs with pads             1                                
     1      Life Support Standard              1  10 person-months              
     1      Computer Model/1bis std            3                                
    14      Spacious Controls                  0                                
    99                              TOTALS    52

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Starships – 100 ton Suleiman Class Scout/Courier
Category: 3D-Model,Scout,Starship,WIP — admin @ 02:47
24 2013

Ian Steed – a well known Traveller artist and generally nice guy – allowed me to play with his variant of the Scout/Courier. The base model came in colors (see below) and I will try to give it a personal touch later.


Copyright Ian Steed

Copyright Ian Steed


Copyright Ian Steed

Copyright Ian Steed

Juni 18 2013

Starships – Type CM (Mercenary Cruiser) – HS33 Yamal

Category: Deckplan,Old News,StarshipMirco @ 16:00

My attempt to convert a RiftRoamers RPG (RR) original starship to Traveller. The craft was downsized as ships in RR tend to be larger in general. The appropriate size would have been 1200 tons in RR. However that would have been just another Kinunir which was not my intention.


The ship is designed following Traveller5 rules by using the Traveller5 ACS Shipyard (an online ship-design software for T5 by Robert Eaglestone)

Mercenary Cruiser
CM-HS33 Yamal
[General Shipyards]
Owner: Rhaan Industries
Disposition: In Service

The 800 ton Streamlined Yamal Class Merc Cruiser is a variant of the Broadsword built as an alternative to the Broadsword Merc Cruiser. It’s outer appearance loosely copies the lines of patrol corvette, while being larger of course.

Design requirements: 1 Modular Cutter  (in an external cradle mount accessible through the cargo bay), 2 additional Cutter modules  (in an external cradle mount accessible through the cargo bay), 2 20dt Gigs (in an external cradle mount accessible by special connection tubes), 2 Grav carriers (Lopec or Resolve carried aboard cutter modules, these craft show as overtonnage in the design).


Blocking out the major features in Blender

The design now features Maneuver 3, Jump 3, 3 Month of Powerplant operation and offers 95 tons of cargo space in addition to all the vehicles.

The Image below show the vessels’s Cutter and one of the thre special Container Modules.


Click on the link below to continue with the stats and later with the deck plans too.

Rescued article from old website. Unfortunately the second page is currently not available. It will return though.

Continue reading “Starships – Type CM (Mercenary Cruiser) – HS33 Yamal”

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Starships – Type CM (Mercenary Cruiser) – HS33 Yamal
Category: 3D-Model,IMTU,Mercenary Cruiser,Starship,Traveller,WIP — admin @ 16:00
18 2013

Schlagwörter: , , , ,

Juni 18 2013

Starships – Type A2 200ton Far Trader

Category: Old News,StarshipMirco @ 14:43

The next project coming up ist one of my favourite small Traveller starships, the Far Trader. As compared to the 200ton Free Trader the far trader has a longer jump leg while sacrificing some cargo space. However it is a cool adventurer ship for excactly that reason.

The finished Marava

Since I  don’t own the MegaTraveller Journal #4 – which contains a lot of info rgarding this ship, Rob Caswell kindly gave me a few illustrations for reference which I actually base my modelling on. This ship’s model is a big nod toward the original designers Tom Peters and Rob Caswell and also my way of giving them and the Traveller community back – in a way – what made my student years so great in regard to roleplaying games.

Vol Name TL Free Gs J PP Fuel Duration MCr Computer Crew Psgr. LB Notes
200 Far Trader 12 65 0 2 2 42 0.5 months 62.20 Model/2 std 4 6 10 st,fs,2t,a/r

The ship uses a 200ton streamlined hull with fuel scoops. It is fitted with a front loading ramp and one side loading ramp port and starboard each. The ship is capable of 1G accelleration and one Jump-2. Whithin it’s 65tons of cargo space the ship can optionally carry an air/raft (typically enclosed like the Hurracan) in an internal hangar, leaving 57 tons of cargo space.

Deckplan Upper Deck:

Deckplan Lower Deck:

I can’t put the referene images online here (I haven’t asked) but the plans shown above are nearly identical (but annotated by the website owner).




Above is the current  state of the Marava (WIP) slowly coming together…

And below is the finished Lone Lady that already made it into a game trailer.

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