
Jul 25 2016

Small Craft – 40ton „Fast“ Pinnace (CT/MT)

Category: Project,Space CraftMirco @ 2:52

My take on the Classic Traveller „Fast“ Pinnace

The Classic Traveller 40 ton Pinnace – sometime called Fast Pinnace – features a sweep wing configuration. While the original concept was somewhat different, I chose to use a well tested approach and opted for the wing configuration of an F-14 aircraft. The above image shows the Pinnace in its standard or „B“ configuration, while the image below shows the default or „A“ configuration. The sweep-wing would have split the cargo bay horizontally if I’d left the wings the way they are depivcted in CT deckplans (or in F-14 renderings) and chopped part of the rear inner wing to an angle. This way the sweeped wing fits inside the engineering compartment alongside both sides of the cargo bay.

The rear features a large extracting lower cargo ramp and a shorter top gate that allows 4dt containers to be loaded. Two will fit lengthwise. Additional cargo needs to be breakbulk. Rearviews and from below are in the works. Also I’m about to build different nose sections, but that’s of low priority.

Vol Name TL Free Gs Fuel Duration MCr Computer Notes
40 Pinnace 12+ 24 5 2t 4 weeks 15.1 Model/2bis L2

NOTES: B = Lift Body. C = Cramped Bridge. K = Cargo Lock. L0 = Short Term Life Support. L2 = Long Term
Life Support. S = Spacious Bridge. +5 = Overtonnage by 5 tons.
Vol. Volume, in tons.
Name. Official name for the small craft.
TL. Technological Level at which this ship is manufactured.
Free. Open, configurable space, in tons.
Gs. Acceleration, in gravities.
Fuel/Duration. Fuel tank size, and operational time given a full tank.
MCr. Price of small craft in millions of credits.
Computer. Computer model installed by default.
lnk = link to external reference / original design


40t Fast Pinnace, using SmallCraftMaker

Descriptor    TL   Tons  Accel   Load   AV Ca Fl Ra So Psi In Se   MCr
Pinnace       14    40     4      22    30 10 10 10 10  0  10 10    9
Fast          +1          +1      -5                               +1
M-Drive                           +5                               x2
           TL 15    40t    5G     22t free                     MCr 20

Jul 24 2016

Small Craft – 40ton Slow Pinnace (CT)

Category: Project,Space CraftMirco @ 15:25

My take on the Classic Traveller Slow Pinnace. Standard or „fast“ Pinnace soon to follow.

Vol Name TL Free Gs Fuel Duration MCr Computer Notes
40 Slow Pinnace 9 30 2 0.5t 18 days 15.1 Model/1bis C

NOTES: B = Lift Body. C = Cramped Bridge. K = Cargo Lock. L0 = Short Term Life Support. L2 = Long Term
Life Support. S = Spacious Bridge. +5 = Overtonnage by 5 tons.
Vol. Volume, in tons.
Name. Official name for the small craft.
TL. Technological Level at which this ship is manufactured.
Free. Open, configurable space, in tons.
Gs. Acceleration, in gravities.
Fuel/Duration. Fuel tank size, and operational time given a full tank.
MCr. Price of small craft in millions of credits.
Computer. Computer model installed by default.
lnk = link to external reference / original design


The above image shows the folded lower fin in landing position.
The image below shows an intermediate position.


40t Slow Pinnace, using SmallCraftMaker (old draft p.276)

Descriptor    TL   Tons  Accel   Load   AV Ca Fl Ra So Psi In Se   MCr
Pinnace       14    40     4      22    30 10 10 10 10  0  10 10    9
Slow          -1          -2      +5                               -1
M-Drive                           +5                               x2
           TL 13    40t    2G     32t free                     MCr 16

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Jul 07 2016

GURPS Traveller Bundle of Holding

Category: Community,NewsMirco @ 12:23

Grab it while you can. I just topped up my Traveller eBook library with the available Bundles of Holding and from what you get – at less than 50 bucks – it’s very much worth the investment, I’d say (even though I already own GURPS Traveller 1E and Starports paperback editions).

GURPS Traveller Essentials Bundle of Holding contains:


  • GURPS Traveller 2E
  • Starships
  • First In
  • Deck Plan 5: Sulieman-Class Scout/Courier


  • Behind the Claw
  • Humaniti
  • Starports
  • Modular Cutter
  • Deck Plan 2: Modular Cutter
  • Deck Plan 1: Beowulf-Class Free Trader

GURPS Traveller Imperial Survey BoH contains:


  • Far Trader
  • Alien Races 1
  • Planetary Survey 3: Granicus
  • Deck Plan 3: Empress Marava Far Trader


  • Alien Races 2
  • Alien Races 3
  • Alien Races 4
  • Planetary Survey 1: Kamsii
  • Planetary Survey 2: Denuli
  • Planetary Survey 4: Glisten

How it works: The starter collections begin with attractive low prices, which can be topped off by paying more to get the bonus colletion included. The price raises over time depending on previous payments. A quick descision pays off.

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