
Nov. 23 2014

Starship – 200ton Free Trader

Category: News,StarshipMirco @ 8:59

200ton Free Trader

Using a 200-ton, TL10 hull, the Beowulf Class Free Trader is an elementary interstellar merchant ship plying the space lanes carrying cargo and passengers. It mounts jump drive-A, maneuver drive-A, and power plant-A, giving a performance of jump-1 and 1G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports a 1 parsec jump, at 20t per parsec, and one month of operations. Attached to the bridge is a Computer Model/1 std. There are 9 staterooms, an owner’s suite, and 20 low berths. There are two single turrets, but without weapons installed. Cargo capacity is 82 tons. The ship has a streamlined hull, with scoops and intakes for frontier refueling.

The ship has 4 crew, and can carry 6 passengers and 20 low passengers.


The ship above is my way to bow my head towards a fellow artist Andrew Boulton who depicted the first „modern“ Free Trader for Traveller and made it to become the Cover Art for newer Traveller products. Sadly Andrew passed away in 2012 leaving a gap in the community of 3D Traveller artists. Thanks to Andrew I got in to Traveller Art in the first place.

Some Stats:

Measures of the ship (bare hull w/o antennas, turrets, etc.) as rendered in the Image above:
Length: 37.5 m (25 squares)
Width: 21.0 m (14 squares)
Height: 9.0 m
Volume: 2813 cubic metres
(200.93 dt, overtonnage less than 1%)

Vol Name TL Free Gs Jump Power Fuel Duration MCr Computer Crew Psgr. LB Notes
200 Free Trader 10 82 1 1 A 22 4 weeks 42.6 Model/1std 4 6 20 st, fs, 2t

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