Nov. 05 2014
Starship – 500ton Corvette
Most of the starship date has been provided by Rob Eaglestone, who is the most well knows starship guru for Traveller 5 (that’s how I see you Rob, I’m afraid *smile*).
:HEADER Corvette Lurushaar Kilaalum EB-EA53, TL 13, 500 tons, MCr 308.2 :COMMENTS
Built on a 500-ton TL-13 winged airframe, the Corvette is the Navy’s equivalent of the Scout/Courier, only bigger, faster, and better armed. It is fitted with the Ansar b3-G jump drive, the Yard 7 mL/5 maneuver drive, and the Grid 5p Tokamak/L3 power plant, giving performance of Jump-3 and 5G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports one jump and three months of operations. It has fuel scoops for gas giant skimming. Adjacent to the bridge is a Model/3 computer and an extensive sensor suite. There are five hardpoints filled with an array of powerful weapons.
:HISTORY :DATA Vol No Label MCr Notes ----- -- ------------------------------ ----- ------------------------------ 500 Airframe Hull, lifters 42 A, lifters 135 Jump Fuel (3 parsecs) 0 J3, 45t/pc 67.5 Plant Fuel (3 months) 0 3 months 10 Wings and fins 10 5 Flotation hull 5 5 Landing legs with pads 5 1 Fuel Scoops 100t/hr 0.1 100t/hr 1 Fuel Intakes 40t/hr 0.1 40t/hr 2 Fuel Bins 40t/hr 0.2 40t/hr 4 Fuel Purifiers 16t/hr 4 16t/hr 0 Vd Surf Proximeter 0.6 0 Vd Surf Life Detector 0.6 0 Vd Surf Activity Sensor 0.6 0 Vd Surf Field Sensor 0.6 0 Vd Surf Densitometer 0.6 0 Vd Surf Mass Sensor 0.6 8.25 Adv Maneuver Drive-5 (N) 50 5 G 45 Imp Jump Drive-3 (H) 45 J 3 40 Imp PowerPlant-5 (N) 40 P 5 2 Life Support Long Term 2 40 person-months 1 Life Support Adaptable 1 10 sophonts 8 2 Squad Barracks 0.4 (5) R1 R1 R2 R2 R3 2 2 Emergency Low Berth 1 10 individuals 6 Commander's Suite 0.4 fresher + safe 6 2 AR B1 Missile 6.4 0 AV=6. 1 Blast Organic 0 20 AV=13. 1 Rad Plate 0 0 AV=0. c Ablat 0 3 DS T4 CommCaster 12.5 1 Vd T4 DataCaster 2.5 3 Vd B1 Beam Laser 3.5 0 DS Surf Communicator 3.5 0 DS Surf Jammer 3.5 0 DS Surf Scope 3.5 0 DS Surf Neutrino Detector 3.5 0 LR Surf EMS 2.5 0 LR Surf Stealth Mask 2.5 2 Frozen Watch 1 10 individuals 2 B Meson Screen 2 3 B Nuclear Damper 2 1 Medical Low Berth 0.5 2 Counsellor 0.2 4 Surgery 3 20 Gig 28 4 Air/Raft Enclosed 0.1 10 Hull Niche (Gig) 1.5 1 SL Bracket (Air/Raft) 2 1.5 3 Crew Shared Fresher 1.5 4 crew 2 2 Mail Vault 0 for express contracts 0.5 Air Lock 0.1 24 6 Crew Lounge 0 12 6 Crew Stateroom 0.6 1 crew 3 Computer Model/3 std 10.5 6 Cargo Hold Basic 0 26 Spacious Controls 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 500 TOTALS 307
Another render of the ship. As you might regognize, this is the CT 400dt Patrol Cuiser, that got an update for T5 (like the Gazelle Close Escort). The ship is rated at 500dt in T5.
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