
Juni 18 2013

Starships – Type CM (Mercenary Cruiser) – HS33 Yamal

Category: Deckplan,Old News,StarshipMirco @ 16:00

My attempt to convert a RiftRoamers RPG (RR) original starship to Traveller. The craft was downsized as ships in RR tend to be larger in general. The appropriate size would have been 1200 tons in RR. However that would have been just another Kinunir which was not my intention.


The ship is designed following Traveller5 rules by using the Traveller5 ACS Shipyard (an online ship-design software for T5 by Robert Eaglestone)

Mercenary Cruiser
CM-HS33 Yamal
[General Shipyards]
Owner: Rhaan Industries
Disposition: In Service

The 800 ton Streamlined Yamal Class Merc Cruiser is a variant of the Broadsword built as an alternative to the Broadsword Merc Cruiser. It’s outer appearance loosely copies the lines of patrol corvette, while being larger of course.

Design requirements: 1 Modular Cutter  (in an external cradle mount accessible through the cargo bay), 2 additional Cutter modules  (in an external cradle mount accessible through the cargo bay), 2 20dt Gigs (in an external cradle mount accessible by special connection tubes), 2 Grav carriers (Lopec or Resolve carried aboard cutter modules, these craft show as overtonnage in the design).


Blocking out the major features in Blender

The design now features Maneuver 3, Jump 3, 3 Month of Powerplant operation and offers 95 tons of cargo space in addition to all the vehicles.

The Image below show the vessels’s Cutter and one of the thre special Container Modules.


Click on the link below to continue with the stats and later with the deck plans too.

Rescued article from old website. Unfortunately the second page is currently not available. It will return though.

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Starships – Type CM (Mercenary Cruiser) – HS33 Yamal
Category: 3D-Model,IMTU,Mercenary Cruiser,Starship,Traveller,WIP — admin @ 16:00
18 2013

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Juni 18 2013

Starships – Type A2 200ton Far Trader

Category: Old News,StarshipMirco @ 14:43

The next project coming up ist one of my favourite small Traveller starships, the Far Trader. As compared to the 200ton Free Trader the far trader has a longer jump leg while sacrificing some cargo space. However it is a cool adventurer ship for excactly that reason.

The finished Marava

Since I  don’t own the MegaTraveller Journal #4 – which contains a lot of info rgarding this ship, Rob Caswell kindly gave me a few illustrations for reference which I actually base my modelling on. This ship’s model is a big nod toward the original designers Tom Peters and Rob Caswell and also my way of giving them and the Traveller community back – in a way – what made my student years so great in regard to roleplaying games.

Vol Name TL Free Gs J PP Fuel Duration MCr Computer Crew Psgr. LB Notes
200 Far Trader 12 65 0 2 2 42 0.5 months 62.20 Model/2 std 4 6 10 st,fs,2t,a/r

The ship uses a 200ton streamlined hull with fuel scoops. It is fitted with a front loading ramp and one side loading ramp port and starboard each. The ship is capable of 1G accelleration and one Jump-2. Whithin it’s 65tons of cargo space the ship can optionally carry an air/raft (typically enclosed like the Hurracan) in an internal hangar, leaving 57 tons of cargo space.

Deckplan Upper Deck:

Deckplan Lower Deck:

I can’t put the referene images online here (I haven’t asked) but the plans shown above are nearly identical (but annotated by the website owner).




Above is the current  state of the Marava (WIP) slowly coming together…

And below is the finished Lone Lady that already made it into a game trailer.

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