Okt. 11 2014

Small Craft – 20ton Launch

Category: AllgemeinMirco @ 13:32

Now that I am addressing Classic Traveller small craft again, the 20dt Launch was just begging to be built from the basic ship’s boat frame.

Vol Name TL Free Gs Fuel Duration MCr Computer Notes
20 Launch 9 11 1 0.5t 5 weeks 12.9 Model/1bis C, L0
20ton Launch

20ton Launch


The 30ton Ship’s Boat and 20ton Launch share the same diameter hull and front section. As visible at the cockpit window configuration these craft have three windows out front. The 50ton Modular Cutter and the 40ton Research Pinnace however share a 6m diameter hull and the same front section to. These cockpits have four windows out front.

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