Okt 11 2014

News – Updated articles of the past…

Category: Allgemein,NewsMirco @ 14:16

I recently updated the article about my 50ton Modular Cutter setting out a module and ATV. Have a look…

Modular Cutter w ContModule

Patrol Cruiser

  • Cunningham
  • SAR Cutter
  • System Guard
  • Undecorated Model

Modular Cutter

  • SAR Modular Cutter
  • Local Carrier
  • Remote Merchant

Module Setout

  • Landing Cutter
  • Prepare Module
  • Launch Cutter
  • Waiting Module
  • Open Clamshell Doors
  • Rotate Boom
  • Deploy Tracks
  • Relase ATV and drive off

Various Small Craft

  • 20ton Launch
  • 30ton Ship's Boat Combi Configuration
  • 30ton Ships Boat Double Cargo Gate Configuration
  • 30ton Slow Cargo Boat w Container Extension
  • 30ton Slow Cargo Boat w Container Extension (closed)
  • 30ton Slow Cargo Boat Std.

Research Pinnace

  • Combi Carrier
  • Passenger Shuttle
  • Cargo Hauler

More to come…

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