Mai 02 2013

Starships – Type R 400ton Subsidiced Merchant

Category: Old News,StarshipMirco @ 13:30

I’ve dabbled with this one for quite a while and my first approaches included rebuilding my old Cinema 4D Model to match Tom Peters’ drawing in the back of the MT Starship Operators Manual (which can be found on Tom’s DeviantART Gallery).

The most recent stat of the model and its texture is shown in the following image. The Griffin or Eagle-head stripe is taken from one of the color plates by Ian Steed below and used with permission.

Volume: 5453.81 m³ (403,99 dt), Length: 49,51 m, Beam: 39,33 m, Height: 10,55 m

The image below uses DeviantART’s embedding feature.

The image above uses DeviantART’s embedding feature.

And this is a version featuring the 20dt Patrol Boat that became sort of a surplus by-product of my Patrol Cruiser project.


And last but not least an even more current render. This time however I exchanged the original subcraft with my Versiil Mk.II Class 20 dt Patrol Boat. Still work to do as the Airlock is still missing.


Ian Steed did a few very nice color plates for his variant of the ship.

TYPE R Colour Plates by biomass on deviantART

I asked Ian if I could use his color variants on my model and after his positive feedback I began with the UV-unwrapping process. Three crude quick slap-on textures can be been below.




And more to come…

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Starships – Type R 400ton Subsidiced Merchant
Category: 3D-Model,Starship,Subsidized Merchant,Traveller,WIP — admin @ 13:30
02 2013

Jan. 24 2013

Starship – 400dton Donosev Class ISV (WIP)

Category: Deckplan,Old News,Space Craft,Starship,VehicleMirco @ 18:39

The survey scout is a typical ship in service with the Imperial Interstellar Scout Service. Its function is to continually re-survey the interior regions of the Imperium, updating maps and charts, and maintaining beacons and markers for astrogation hazards.  The ship essentially serves much the same role as a modern day coast guard seagoing buoy tender, offshore supply vessel or ice breaker (or any combination thereof).

The ship is catagorised as Type SZ, or “Scout Experimental”, and in fact three different versions of this ship have been built.

The most recent, was the result of improvements to sensor placement made during the Second Survey and was producved in two variants. The Donosev Class Interstellar Survey Vessel was named after Master Chief Surveyor Villemina Donosev. Individual ships are named for famous scouts in the Imperial service.

As is the case with most modern Scout vessels, the Donosev-class is not equipped for use in hostile areas. The survey scout is a peaceful vessel, typically unarmed and inoffensive. It does, however, mount four hardpoints and can be armed with a variety of turrets and weaponry if necessary. The Donosev class survey scout is named for famous scouts in the Imperial service.


The Donosev ISV2 with three Air/Raft Hangarbays and the Modular Cutter undocked

This is probably the one ship that is truly asymmetrical in shape among the Traveller starships and possibly because of this it was not very highly regarded amongs players I used to play Traveller with. However, I liked the old Donno because it is the perfect base ship for a medium crew.

I plan to model two variants. One variant I call the ISV2 with three Hurricane Air/Rafts and the one variant I call ISV1 with a Kankurur Grav Carrier in a single larger Hangarbay in place of the Air/Rafts. Both vehicles are depicted in DGP’s 101 Vehicles, so I’ll go from there. No idea how to fit that Kankurur into the hull though.

Please note that the designations ISV1 and ISV2 that I use in this text are non-canon and used only to differentiate the two models. Both are Donosev Class vessels.


The Donosev ISV1 with a large Hangar for the Kankurur Grav Carrier and the Modular Cutter undocked

I remeber to have read somewhere (DGP’s Grand Survey?) that the Hangar Bay of roughly a quarter of the Donosevs in service is about 2m higher and 1.5m wider but the remainder of vessel otherwise unchanged. That’s not easy to implement without outer changes on the craft, as you can’t simply go up or inward as there are are likely staterooms, corridors and laboratory spaces (as well as the brigde above the bay.

Perhaps a bulge beneath the vehicle bay to allow for the extra height and width. The render above shows my approach with the bulge beneath the command section which was widened by pushing the outer wall another 1,5m into space.

The resulting ship will be 135kl or aproximately 10dt larger in tonnage, which is or could be a problem. 410dt is well within the often cited 5% tollerance, which on the other hand was only meant to account for deckplan variance.

Just from a modeling point of view one could assume the ISV1 being at about 405dt and the ISV2 at 395dt which would account for the ten tons difference and reduce the error to plus/minus 1.25% as compared to the calculated volume of 400dt. At least I am well prepared to accept that, until I have my copy of Traveller5 which I plan to use for calculating all my Traveller ships.

The Subcraft and Vehicles


The Tech level 15 Kankurur class Scout survey Grav Carrier was commissioned in 1097 – following a design dating back to 1095 – and is equipped to support both survey and exploration missions with full crews. .  The Kankurur is a large pradtory bird native to Vland that was often trained as a courier animal capable of carrying up to 20kg of cargo in its talons. Consequently named vehicles often carry the names of significant native animals of the worlds of the Imperium.

The vehicles’ sealed environment allows forl full pressurized life support for its crew. An airlock in the aft section opens to the roof as well as aft. A galley, four fold-up bunks, and a fresher allow extended missions. On the bridge, the basic controls are computer enhanced to increase the efficency and safety of operation. EMS active and passive sensors, a neutrino sensor, and a densitometer give a full range of information to the surveyers on board. A Meson communicator allows near-instant contact with any other station within planetary range.

In addition to the crew (pilot and five operators or passengers) the grav carrier can carry 0.5 ton of cargo in the main cabin and 1.5 ton in the airlock. Unloaded, the craft weighs about 60 tons; with crew and maximum cargo it weighs about 95 tons. Top speed is at 240kph, cruise at 180kph and NOE at 190kph. The vehicle costs about 10.650.000 Cr amf displaces 11 tons. Length 15.25m, width: 8.30m, height:  7.50m.

The 50ton Modular Cutter


The Hurricane Air/Raft


The ship stats can be found here:

A deckplan I found wandering through the web:–files/ships%3Adonosev/mod-donosev.pdf


Jesse DeGraff did one that can be seen here, here and here.

I use his progress report as reference material:

Ian Steed did one that can be seen here:


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Starship – 400dton Donosev Class ISV (WIP)
Category: 3D-Model,Cutter,Deckplan,Grav Carrier,Scout,Starship,Traveller,Vehicle,WIP — admin @ 18:39
24 2013

Nov. 05 2000

Starship – 200ton Far Trader

Category: Project,StarshipMirco @ 8:28
 :HEADER Far Trader Empress Marava A2-BS12, TL 11, 200 tons, MCr 53.8

Using a 200-ton TL 11 streamlined hull, the far trader ranges far and wide, and deals with every world it finds. Even amber zones and red zones are not considered off limits by its captains, provided there is profit to be made and the risk of being caught is slight. It has drives capable of jump-2 and 1-G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports jump-2 and one month of operation, and the ship incorporates fuel scoops and fuel intakes for wilderness refuelling. The bridge is standard and has a computer Model/1bis and a basic sensor suite. There are two hardpoints, but no weapons are mounted.

Like the free trader, the far trader is built around its cargo bay, in this case 64 tons. The ship has ten staterooms (three for the crew; seven for the passengers) and four low berths. A single air/raft is carried (in cargo) for various surface duties. The ship is streamlined, and can land on uneven terrain. The far trader requires a crew of three: pilot/astrogator, engineer, and steward.


   Vol  No  Label                            MCr  Notes                         
 -----  --  ------------------------------ -----  ------------------------------
   200      Streamlined Hull, lifters         16  S, lifters                    
    40      Jump Fuel (2  parsecs)             0  J2, 20t/pc                    
     4      Plant Fuel (one month)             0  one month                     
     1      Fuel Scoops 100t/hr              0.1  100t/hr                       
     1      Fuel Intakes 40t/hr              0.1  40t/hr                        
     0      AV=11. 1 Kinetic Plate             0                                
     1      Computer Model/1bis std            3                                
     2   2  AR T1 Empty                      0.4                                
    64      Cargo Hold Basic                   0                                
     1      Life Support Standard              1  10 person-months              
     1      Life Support Luxury                1  10 high passengers            
    14   7  Standard Stateroom               0.7  1 passenger                   
     2   4  Low Berth                        0.4  1 passenger                   
     4      Air/Raft Enclosed                0.1                                
    16   4  Passenger Lounge                   0                                
     7      Crew Lounge                        0                                
     4      Owner's Cabin                    0.2  1 crew                        
     4   2  Crew Stateroom                   0.2  1 crew                        
     2      Landing legs with pads             2                                
    15      Jump Drive-2 (B)                  15  J 2                           
     2      Maneuver Drive-1 (A)               4  1 G                           
     7      PowerPlant-2 (B)                   7  P 2                           
     1   2  Crew Shared Fresher                1  4 crew                        
     1   2  Shared Fresher                     1  4 passengers                  
     1      Mail Vault                         0  for express contracts         
     1   2  Air Lock                         0.2                                
     4      Standard Controls                  0                                
   200                              TOTALS    53

Nov. 05 2000

Starship – 400ton Subsidized Merchant

Category: Project,StarshipMirco @ 8:12
 :HEADER Merchant Subsidized Merchant R-DA11, TL 13, 400 tons, MCr 98.8

The Subsidized Merchant is a common sight across the Third Imperium. Built on a TL 13, 400 ton Airframe hull, the ship has Drives and Plant-B, giving Jump-1 and 1G of accelleration. Fuel tankage is provided for one jump-1 and one month of operations. Fuel scoops and water intakes are available for wilderness refuelling. Two hardpoints are available but no weapons are installed.

The ship operates with a crew of 5: Pilot, Astrogator, Steward, Engineer, and Medic. Staterooms are available for up to 8 High Passengers, and there are 9 low berths. Adjacent to the bridge is a Computer Model 1/std.

The lower through-hull deck holds 212 tons of cargo, and landing legs allow both rough terrain landings and raising/lowering the cargo deck to meet loading ramps.

Attached to a streamlined bracket on top of the vessel is a standard 20 ton Launch.


   Vol  No  Label                            MCr  Notes                         
 -----  --  ------------------------------ -----  ------------------------------
   400      Airframe Hull                     30  A                             
    40      Jump Fuel (1  parsec)              0  J1, 40t/pc                    
     4      Plant Fuel (one month)             0  one month                     
     0      Jump Grid                          4                                
     7      PowerPlant-1 (B)                   7  P 1                           
    15      Jump Drive-1 (B)                  15  J 1                           
     3      Maneuver Drive-1 (B)               6  1 G                           
     1      Fuel Scoops 100t/hr              0.1  100t/hr                       
     1      Fuel Purifiers 4t/hr               1  4t/hr                         
     1      Computer Model/1 std             1.5                                
    10   5  Crew Stateroom                   0.5  1 crew                        
     1   2  Crew Shared Fresher                1  4 crew                        
    20      Launch                            16                                
    16   8  Standard Stateroom               0.8  1 passenger                   
     1   2  Shared Fresher                     1  4 passengers                  
     2   2  Life Support Standard              2  10 crew                       
   0.5      Medical Console                  0.5                                
    30      Passenger Lounge                   0                                
     1      Fuel Intakes 40t/hr              0.1  40t/hr                        
     0      AV=13. 1 Kinetic Plate             0                                
   4.5   9  Low Berth                        0.9  1 passenger                   
     2   2  AR T2 Empty                        1                                
     2   2  Hardpoint Empty                    0                                
     8   2  Crew Lounge                        0                                
     1      Life Support Standard              1  10 person-months              
     1      Life Support Luxury                1  10 high passengers            
     1      Life Support Adaptable             1  10 sophonts                   
     1      Streamlined Launch Bracket         2  up to 35t                     
   212      Cargo Hold Basic                   0                                
     4      Landing legs with pads             4                                
    10      Standard Controls                  0                                
   400                              TOTALS    97

Nov. 05 2000

Starship – 100ton X-Boat and Variant

Category: Project,StarshipMirco @ 8:06

 Standard 100ton Jump-4 X-Boat

:HEADER Express Courier Express Boat X-AU04, TL 13, 100 tons, MCr 54.3


Constructed using the 100 ton hull, the express boat is fitted with drives producing jump-4, but no maneuver drive. Fuel tankage is sufficient for one jump. The cramped bridge is complemented by a Model/4 computer. 

The ship has two staterooms; one is necessary for the single crew member, while the other can carry a passenger. More often, the pilot uses the second room for additional living space. 

There is a one ton cargo bay which is occasionally used to carry vital cargo such as vaccines or sophisticated repair parts.

The ship carries no weapons or hardpoints.

It is equipped with Jump drive-B and a Modified Power Plant-C, and carries sufficient fuel for one Jump-4, and 1 month of operations. Note that the ship when in Jump space can effectivly operate in low power mode thanks to the minimal systems needs and Fusion+ distributed power system. 

Transfer pumps enable double jumps via detachable drop tanks, which the X-boat service produces in a ’standard‘ 100 ton size to enable quick refueling and jump procedures for the normal X-boat fleet if the tender itself is too busy to dock with the X-boat.

The extremely advanced surface communicator is used to tight-beam sensitive encrypted communications to pre-set system ‚listening posts‘ bypassing the need to pass these messages through the X-boat tender crews.


   Vol  No  Label                            MCr  Notes                         
 -----  --  ------------------------------ -----  ------------------------------
   100      Unstreamlined Hull, lifters        6  U, lifters                    
    50      Jump Fuel (5  parsecs)             0  J5, 10t/pc                    
     4      Plant Fuel (one month)             0  one month                     
     0      Jump Grid                          1                                
  -0.5      No Landers                         0                                
     1      Fuel Transfer Pumps                1                                
     0      AV=15. 1 Rad Plate                 0                                
   0.5      Crew Shared Fresher              0.5  4 crew                        
   0.5      Medical Console                  0.5                                
     4      Computer Model/4 std              18                                
     4   2  Crew Stateroom                   0.2  1 crew                        
     1      Life Support                       1                                
     6      Crew Lounge                        0                                
    15      Jump Drive-4 (B)                  15  J 4                           
     7      PowerPlant-4 (B)                   7  P 4                           
     0      DS Surf Communicator             3.5                                
   1.5      Cargo Hold Basic                   0                                
     6      Spacious Controls                  0                                
   100                              TOTALS    54

Intelligence Courier Variant

 :HEADER Alternate Courier Disguised High Performance Express Boat X2-AU06, TL 15, 100 tons, MCr 66.2

The XQ-Boat is externally identical to the much more common Jump-4 X-Boat, but is used by the clandestine intelligence services of the Third Imperium to deliver critical messages as fast as possible, often bypassing nodes along a jump route. The existence of such ships is not public knowledge.

Cramped and uncomfortable, the 100 ton unstreamlined ship is operated by a single crewman from the bridge which is located essentially within the engine room. Adjacent to the bridge is a computer model 5/bis. Life support is sufficient for 40 person-days. A second niche accommodates a non-standard passenger. If physical cargo must be moved it will be stowed in the crew lounge.

The ship carries no weapons or hardpoints.

It is equipped with Jump Drive-C and a Modified Power Plant-C, and carries sufficient fuel for one Jump-6, and 15 days of operations. Note that the ship when in Jump space can effectively operate in low power mode thanks to the minimal systems needs and Fusion+ distributed power system. 

Transfer pumps enable double jumps via detachable drop tanks, which the X-boat service produces in a ’standard‘ 100 ton size ‚To enable quick refueling and jump procedures for the normal X-boat fleet if the tender itself is too busy to dock with the X-boat‘. The advanced surface communicator is used to tight-beam sensitive encrypted communications to pre-set system ‚listening posts‘ bypassing the need to pass these messages through the X-boat tender crews.


   Vol  No  Label                            MCr  Notes                         
 -----  --  ------------------------------ -----  ------------------------------
   100      Unstreamlined Hull, lifters        6  U, lifters                    
    60      Jump Fuel (6  parsecs)             0  J6, 10t/pc                    
   3.3      Plant Fuel (0.5 months)            0  0.5 months                    
     0      Jump Grid                          1                                
  -0.5      No Landers                         0                                
     1      Fuel Transfer Pumps                1                                
    20      Jump Drive-6 (C)                  20  J 6                           
     5      Mod PowerPlant-6 (C)               5  P 6                           
     0      AV=15. 1 Rad Plate                 0                                
   0.5      Crew Shared Fresher              0.5  4 crew                        
     0      Short Term Life Support            0                                
     0      Ult DS Surf Communicator          15                                
   2.5      Mod Computer Model/5 bis        16.5                                
   0.5      Medical Console                  0.5                                
     2      Crew Lounge                        0                                
     2   2  Spacer Niche                     0.2  1 crew                        
     4      Standard Controls                  0                                
   100                              TOTALS    66

Nov. 05 2000

Starship – 1200ton Colonial Cruiser

Category: Project,StarshipMirco @ 7:51
 :HEADER Frontier Cruiser Kinunir CF-MA44, TL 15, 1200 tons, MCr 882

Using a 1200-ton, TL15 hull, the Kinunir Class Frontier Cruiser is designed for patrol and internal peacekeeping within the Imperium. It mounts 2 Deltic Mk1827 JK Fusion power plants (power plant-Z), driving one Shva type r3-55 jump drive-Z (with integral r2-55 back-up), and 2 Dupree 734 impulse maneuver drives (maneuver drive-Z), giving a performance of jump-4 and 4G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports a 4 parsec jump, at 108t per parsec, and 3 months of operations. Attached to the bridge is a Prototype Computer Model/9 std. There are 10 staterooms and no low berths. Installed weaponry include 2 B1 Particle Accelerators, 2 B1 Missiles, and 8 T3 Beam Lasers. Cargo capacity is 2 tons. The ship has an airframe hull, with scoops and intakes for frontier refueling. 

Carried craft include a Fast Boat and 24 Drop Pods. The ship has 15 crew.


   Vol  No  Label                            MCr  Notes                         
 -----  --  ------------------------------ -----  ------------------------------
  1200      Airframe Hull, lifters            98  A, lifters                    
   432      Jump Fuel (4  parsecs)             0  4 parsec jump, at 108t per parsec
 129.6      Plant Fuel (3 months)              0  3 months                      
    12      Landing legs with pads            12                                
     1      Fuel Scoops                      0.1                                
     1      Fuel Purifiers                   0.1                                
     1      Fuel Intakes                     0.1                                
     1      Fuel Purifiers                   0.1                                
     6   2  AR B1 Particle Accelerator        11                                
     6   2  AR B1 Missile                    6.4                                
     8   8  Vd T3 Beam Laser                  12                                
     1      AR Ant Jammer                    1.5                                
     1      AR Ant Neutrino Detector         1.5                                
     1      AR Ant EMS                       1.5                                
     0      Vd Surf Densitometer             0.6                                
     0      Vd Surf Activity Sensor          0.6                                
     0      Vd Surf Proximeter               0.6                                
     0      Vd Surf Field Sensor             0.6                                
     2      B Meson Screen                     2                                
     3      B Nuclear Damper                   2                                
     2      B Black Globe                      5                                
     2      Cargo Hold Basic                   0                                
     4   2  Life Support Long Term             4  40 person-months              
    60      Company Barracks                   3  (70) 3 pl + O3 O2 R5 R3       
    20  10  Crew Stateroom                     1  1 crew                        
    12  12  Spacer Niche                     1.2  1 crew                        
    12  24  Drop Pod (3 per pod)              24                                
    18      Pro Computer Model/9 std         425                                
    40      Fast Boat + hangar                14                                
  23.5      Mod Maneuver Drive-4 (Z)          47  4 G                           
   125      Imp Jump Drive-4 (Z)             125  J 4                           
    73      Imp PowerPlant-4 (Z)              73  P 4                           
    96      AV=90. 3 Kinetic Charged           0                                
    60  15  Crew Common Space                  0                                
     2   2  Crew Common Fresher                2  10 crew                       
     1   2  Crew Shared Fresher                1  4 crew                        
    16  16  Magazine                           0  50 x Size-5                   
     0      AR Surf Communicator             1.5                                
     0      AR Surf Visor                    1.5                                
     0      AR Surf Stealth Mask             1.5                                
    28      Spacious Bridge                  1.6  3cc 10op 1ws                  
  1200                              TOTALS   882

Nov. 05 2000

Starship – 200ton Yacht

Category: Project,StarshipMirco @ 6:34
 :HEADER Yacht Yacht Y-BB11, TL 9, 200 tons, MCr 72.1

Based on a braced 200t hull, the basic Type Y Yacht is a noble’s plaything; not a particularly efficient vessel, but plush and comfortable. It comes in a wide variety of styles. It has jump drive-A, maneuver drive-A, and power plant-A, with fuel for one jump-1, three weeks‘ operation, plus tankage for refuelling the ship’s boat. Attached to the bridge is a computer Model/1. An orbit-to-orbit ship, the yacht carries a ship’s boat as a link to planets visited. The ship also carries an air/raft and an ATV. The ship’s boat has passenger accomodations and space for cargo or the ATV. Cargo capacity is typically 11 to 13 tons. There is one hardpoint, often with a high-powered Communicator in a deployable turret.

Though the owner’s suite is oversized, the guest rooms are not overly large, but they are quite luxurious. Crew space includes the galley and crew lounge, a dumb waiter-life arrangement that leads up to the passenger lounge, engineering, and storage for cargo and the ship’s vehicles.

The Type Y requires a crew of four: pilot/astrogator, engineer, medic, and steward. It carries 10 passengers (including the owner). Yachts are often excellent sources of employment for adventurers with star-faring experience. Paid professional crews are sometimes hard to come by; many nobles hardly ever use their vessels, but need a full-time crew to care for the ship, and to transfer it from one world to another (particularly when the noble has several far-flung estates). Notable yacht designs include the MC&S Engineering Model Y, and PEL Yards‘ „Lady of Shallott“. The PEL Yards variant repurposes one stateroom to additional luxuries.


   Vol  No  Label                            MCr  Notes                         
 -----  --  ------------------------------ -----  ------------------------------
   200      Braced Hull                        6  B                             
    20      Jump Fuel (1  parsec)              0  J1, 20t/pc                    
     2      Plant Fuel (one month)             0  one month                     
     0      Jump Grid                          2                                
     4      PowerPlant-1 (A)                   4  P 1                           
    10      Jump Drive-1 (A)                  10  J 1                           
     2      Maneuver Drive-1 (A)               4  1 G                           
     0      AV=9. 1 Rad Plate                  0                                
     1      Computer Model/1 std             1.5                                
     9      DS T1de Communicator              17                                
     2      Life Support Long Term             2  40 person-months              
     1      Life Support Luxury                1  10 high passengers            
     1      Life Support Adaptable             1  10 sophonts                   
     2      Clinic                             1                                
     2      Galley                             1                                
     6      Owner Suite                      0.4  fresher + safe                
  40.5   9  Luxury Stateroom                 3.6  1 passenger + fresher         
    16   4  Crew Stateroom + fresher         2.8  1 crew                        
    12      Cargo Hold Basic                   0                                
     4      Air/Raft Enclosed (in hold)      0.1                                
    40      Fast Boat + hangar                14                                
     4      Crew Lounge                        0                                
    12   3  Passenger Lounge                   0                                
   0.5      Air Lock                         0.1                                
     4      ATV (in hold)                    0.1                                
     5      Standard Bridge                  0.5  1cc 3op 1ws                   
   200                              TOTALS    72

Nov. 05 2000

Starship – 800ton Mercenary Cruiser

Category: Project,StarshipMirco @ 6:33
 :HEADER Mercenary Cruiser Broadsword CM-HU33, TL 13, 800 tons, MCr 303.8

Using an 800-ton hull, the mercenary cruiser is built to carry small troop units for corporate or government operations. It has jump drive-M, maneuver drive-M, and power plant-M, giving jump 3 and 3-G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports one jump-3, and three months of operations, some of which may be used for its smallcraft. Adjacent to the bridge is a computer Model/5. There are 25 staterooms and no low berths. Eight weapon mounts are installed, two with beam lasers, four with missile launchers, and two with particle accelerator barbettes. There are five ship’s vehicles: two modular cutters (with one open module and one fuel module), two ATVs (in ATV modules), and one air/raft. Cargo capacity is 85 tons, 60 tons of which are taken up by the two ATV cutter modules. The hull is unstreamlined.

The mercenary cruiser requires a crew of eight: commanding officer, pilot, navigator, four engineers, and medic. Vehicle pilots, clerks, troops, and gunners may be added. The ship can carry 17 passengers (42 if double occupancy) in non-commercial service; its primary intended purpose is transport and support of small military (mercenary) units.


   Vol  No  Label                            MCr  Notes                         
 -----  --  ------------------------------ -----  ------------------------------
   800      Unstreamlined Hull                26  U                             
   216      Jump Fuel (3  parsecs)             0  3 parsec jump, at 72t per parsec
    60      Plant Fuel (3 months)              0  3 months                      
     8      Landing legs with pads             8                                
     1      Fuel Scoops                      0.1                                
     1      Fuel Purifiers                   0.1                                
    32      AV=24. 2 Rad Plate                 0                                
     5      Computer Model/5 std              27                                
     0      LR Surf Communicator             2.5                                
     1      AR Ant Jammer                    1.5                                
     0      LR Surf Scope                    2.5                                
     1      AR Ant EMS                       1.5                                
     0      Or Surf Mass Sensor              1.6                                
     0      Or Surf Deep Radar               1.6                                
     0      Or Surf Densitometer             1.6                                
     0      Or Surf Proximeter               1.6                                
     0      Or Surf Activity Sensor          1.6                                
     6   2  AR B1 Particle Accelerator        11                                
     8   4  LR T3 Missile                   12.8                                
     2   2  Vd T3 Beam Laser                   3                                
     0      AV=0. c Reflec                     0                                
     2      Life Support Long Term             2  40 person-months              
     1      Life Support Adaptable             1  10 sophonts                   
     2      Clinic                             1                                
     2      Counsellor                       0.2                                
     2   2  Crew Common Fresher                2  10 crew                       
    60   2  ATV Module                       3.6  Cutter Module                 
   2.5   5  Crew Shared Fresher              2.5  4 crew                        
     0      LR Surf Neutrino Detector        2.5                                
     0      AR Surf Stealth Mask             1.5                                
     6      Owner Suite                      0.4  fresher + safe                
     2      Executive Office                   0  inc. 50 Kg safe               
     4      Captain's Suite                  0.7  1 crew                        
     1      Vault                              0  for express contracts         
     1      Magazine                           0  50 x Size-5                   
     2   4  Air Lock                         0.4                                
     2   2  Spacer Niche                     0.2  1 crew                        
    42  21  Crew Stateroom                   2.1  1 crew                        
    42      Crew Open Space                    0                                
   150   2  Modular Cutter in hull niche      29                                
     6      Air/Raft Enclosed in hull niche   1.6                                
 12.21      Adv PowerPlant-3 (M)              37  P 3                           
    65      Imp Jump Drive-3 (M)              65  J 3                           
  7.59      Adv Maneuver Drive-3 (M)          46  3 G                           
    25      Cargo Hold Basic                   0                                
    20      Spacious Bridge                  1.2  2cc 8op 0ws                   
   800                              TOTALS   304

Nov. 05 2000

Starship – 500ton Corvette

Category: Project,StarshipMirco @ 6:32
 :HEADER Corvette Lurushaar Kilaalum EB-EA53, TL 13, 500 tons, MCr 308.2

Built on a 500-ton TL-13 winged airframe, the Corvette is the Navy’s equivalent of the Scout/Courier, only bigger, faster, and better armed. It is fitted with the Ansar b3-G jump drive, the Yard 7 mL/5 maneuver drive, and the Grid 5p Tokamak/L3 power plant, giving performance of Jump-3 and 5G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports one jump and three months of operations. It has fuel scoops for gas giant skimming. Adjacent to the bridge is a Model/3 computer and an extensive sensor suite. There are five hardpoints filled with an array of powerful weapons.


   Vol  No  Label                            MCr  Notes                         
 -----  --  ------------------------------ -----  ------------------------------
   500      Airframe Hull, lifters            42  A, lifters                    
   135      Jump Fuel (3  parsecs)             0  J3, 45t/pc                    
  67.5      Plant Fuel (3 months)              0  3 months                      
    10      Wings and fins                    10                                
     5      Flotation hull                     5                                
     5      Landing legs with pads             5                                
     1      Fuel Scoops 100t/hr              0.1  100t/hr                       
     1      Fuel Intakes 40t/hr              0.1  40t/hr                        
     2      Fuel Bins 40t/hr                 0.2  40t/hr                        
     4      Fuel Purifiers 16t/hr              4  16t/hr                        
     0      Vd Surf Proximeter               0.6                                
     0      Vd Surf Life Detector            0.6                                
     0      Vd Surf Activity Sensor          0.6                                
     0      Vd Surf Field Sensor             0.6                                
     0      Vd Surf Densitometer             0.6                                
     0      Vd Surf Mass Sensor              0.6                                
  8.25      Adv Maneuver Drive-5 (N)          50  5 G                           
    45      Imp Jump Drive-3 (H)              45  J 3                           
    40      Imp PowerPlant-5 (N)              40  P 5                           
     2      Life Support Long Term             2  40 person-months              
     1      Life Support Adaptable             1  10 sophonts                   
     8   2  Squad Barracks                   0.4  (5) R1 R1 R2 R2 R3            
     2   2  Emergency Low Berth                1  10 individuals                
     6      Commander's Suite                0.4  fresher + safe                
     6   2  AR B1 Missile                    6.4                                
     0      AV=6. 1 Blast Organic              0                                
    20      AV=13. 1 Rad Plate                 0                                
     0      AV=0. c Ablat                      0                                
     3      DS T4 CommCaster                12.5                                
     1      Vd T4 DataCaster                 2.5                                
     3      Vd B1 Beam Laser                 3.5                                
     0      DS Surf Communicator             3.5                                
     0      DS Surf Jammer                   3.5                                
     0      DS Surf Scope                    3.5                                
     0      DS Surf Neutrino Detector        3.5                                
     0      LR Surf EMS                      2.5                                
     0      LR Surf Stealth Mask             2.5                                
     2      Frozen Watch                       1  10 individuals                
     2      B Meson Screen                     2                                
     3      B Nuclear Damper                   2                                
     1      Medical Low Berth                0.5                                
     2      Counsellor                       0.2                                
     4      Surgery                            3                                
    20      Gig                               28                                
     4      Air/Raft Enclosed                0.1                                
    10      Hull Niche (Gig)                 1.5                                
     1      SL Bracket (Air/Raft)              2                                
   1.5   3  Crew Shared Fresher              1.5  4 crew                        
     2   2  Mail Vault                         0  for express contracts         
   0.5      Air Lock                         0.1                                
    24   6  Crew Lounge                        0                                
    12   6  Crew Stateroom                   0.6  1 crew                        
     3      Computer Model/3 std            10.5                                
     6      Cargo Hold Basic                   0                                
    26      Spacious Controls                  0                                
   500                              TOTALS   307

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