Mai 02 2013

Starships – Type R 400ton Subsidiced Merchant

Category: Old News,StarshipMirco @ 13:30

I’ve dabbled with this one for quite a while and my first approaches included rebuilding my old Cinema 4D Model to match Tom Peters’ drawing in the back of the MT Starship Operators Manual (which can be found on Tom’s DeviantART Gallery).

The most recent stat of the model and its texture is shown in the following image. The Griffin or Eagle-head stripe is taken from one of the color plates by Ian Steed below and used with permission.

Volume: 5453.81 m³ (403,99 dt), Length: 49,51 m, Beam: 39,33 m, Height: 10,55 m

The image below uses DeviantART’s embedding feature.

The image above uses DeviantART’s embedding feature.

And this is a version featuring the 20dt Patrol Boat that became sort of a surplus by-product of my Patrol Cruiser project.


And last but not least an even more current render. This time however I exchanged the original subcraft with my Versiil Mk.II Class 20 dt Patrol Boat. Still work to do as the Airlock is still missing.


Ian Steed did a few very nice color plates for his variant of the ship.

TYPE R Colour Plates by biomass on deviantART

I asked Ian if I could use his color variants on my model and after his positive feedback I began with the UV-unwrapping process. Three crude quick slap-on textures can be been below.




And more to come…

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Starships – Type R 400ton Subsidiced Merchant
Category: 3D-Model,Starship,Subsidized Merchant,Traveller,WIP — admin @ 13:30
02 2013

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