Okt. 11 2014

Small Craft – 30ton Ship’s Boat

Category: AllgemeinMirco @ 13:14

After I made a modular Cutter about two years ago, I planned to do all the standard Small Craft. I sort of relauched that project recently. This is the current State of the Ship’s Boat.

Vol Name TL Free Gs Fuel Duration MCr Computer Notes
30 Ship’s Boat  13+ 16 6 2t 4 weeks 14.8 Model/1bis
30ton Ship's Boat Combi Configuration

30ton Ship’s Boat Combi Configuration


I think I will need the finished boat for the 600ton Subsidized Liner, that’s also on my workbench atm. But both vessels are far from complete.

The 30ton Ship’s Boat and 20ton Launch share the same diameter hull and front section. As visible at the cockpit window configuration these craft have three windows out front. The 50ton Modular Cutter and the 40ton Research Pinnace however share a 6m diameter hull and the same front section to. These cockpits have four windows out front.

30ton Ships Boat Double Cargo Gate Configuration

30ton Ships Boat Double Cargo Gate Configuration

The image below shows two updated models above the Slow Boat.



Okt. 09 2014

Rolling back to original Traveller Illustrated Theme…

Category: AllgemeinMirco @ 14:03

Hi everybody. After dabbling around with approximately 15 different themes I liked the old one best and rolled back to that theme. It doesn’t support advanced menus, but this is a much simpler site than e.g. http://riftroamers.net, where my own Sci-Fi RPG resides and probably doesn’t need all that fancy blinky-blink stuff at all.

If you wish to comment on the site-design, please feel free to do so, but I am quite content atm.

Theme variants I recently tried:



And last but not least the old new scheme…



I think now I can concentrate on creating illustrations for Traveller again, instead of redesigning the website. Hope you like and agree…

Cheers, Mirco

Jan. 01 2009

Geschützt: „Lone Lady“ resource page…

Category: AllgemeinMirco @ 0:01

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Nov. 05 2000

Starship – 400ton Close Escort

Category: AllgemeinMirco @ 8:54
 :HEADER Close Escort Gazelle EC-DU55, TL 14, 400 tons, MCr 275.4

The Gazelle-class close escort is built using a 400-ton hull with an unstreamlined configuration. It is fitted with an IDC FarDrive jump unit, Model 16 impulse maneuver drives, and a Triptic Halonic Fusion Pair power plant, and is capable of Jump 5 and 5Gs maneuver. It carries fuel tankage for one jump-2 and three months of operations. To this basic package is added a pair of disposable 60-ton fuel pods to provide the total fuel necessary for jump-5. However, with these tanks installed, the ship tonnage is increased to 500 tons, which reduces the ship’s performance to 4-G and jump-4. The tanks may be dropped to allow the higher performance, but the ship then becomes restricted by its lower fuel supply until the tanks are replaced. The ship has fuel scoops and a purification plant, and can refuel by skimming gas giants. 

Close Escort WIP 04

Close Escort WIP 04

The standard bridge has a Model/6 computer installed and the ship has four hardpoints. Two of the hardpoints allocate five tons each, which allows the installation of particle accelerator barbettes if desired. The remaining two hardpoints sport triple laser turrets. The ship hull is heavily armored. 

The ship has four officer staterooms, eight spacer niches, and a squad barracks. A 20-ton gig, itself armed with a laser mount, is slung beneath the ship, with interlocking hatches provided. The gig is capable of 6-G and carries six acceleration couches and three emergency low berths. It can also carry two tons of cargo.

Close Escort WIP 03

Close Escort WIP 03


   Vol  No  Label                            MCr  Notes                         
 -----  --  ------------------------------ -----  ------------------------------
   400      Unstreamlined Hull                14  U                             
    80      Jump Fuel (2  parsecs)             0  J2, 40t/pc                    
    60      Plant Fuel (3 months)              0  3 months                      
     4      Landing legs with pads             4                                
    16      AV=56. 2 Kinetic Charged           0                                
    55      Jump Drive-5 (K)                  55  J 5                           
     0      LR Surf Communicator             2.5                                
     0      LR Surf EMS                      2.5                                
     0      LR Surf Visor                    2.5                                
     0      LR Surf Jammer                   2.5                                
     0      LR Surf Neutrino Detector        2.5                                
     2   2  Vd T3 Beam Laser                   3                                
     4   2  Life Support Long Term             4  40 person-months              
   120   2  Pod A6-S                         7.6  req 2 pair grapples           
    20      Gig                               28                                
    10      Hull Niche for Gig                 1                                
     0      LR Surf Stealth Mask             2.5                                
     8   8  Emergency Low Berth                4  10 individuals                
     1      Fuel Scoops 100t/hr              0.1  100t/hr                       
     6      Computer Model/6 std              39                                
    10   2  AR B2 Particle Accelerator        13                                
     4      Squad Barracks                   0.2  (5) R1 R1 R2 R2 R3            
     8   4  Crew Stateroom                   0.4  1 crew                        
     8   8  Spacer Niche                     0.8  1 crew                        
    31      PowerPlant-5 (K)                  31  P 5                           
    19      Maneuver Drive-5 (K)              38  5 G                           
     2   4  Crew Shared Fresher                2  4 crew                        
     2      B Meson Screen                     2                                
     3      B Nuclear Damper                   2                                
     4      Droptank grapples                  8  up to 70t                     
    19      Crew Lounge                        0                                
     1      Fuel Intakes 40t/hr              0.1  40t/hr                        
     2      Fuel Purifiers 8t/hr               2  8t/hr                         
    18      Spacious Controls                  0                                
   517                              TOTALS   274

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