Mai 01 2013

Workshop – Projects planned and in progress

Category: Old News,ProjectMirco @ 14:11

While designing a 400ton Donosev ISV I came across the old 50ton Modular Cutter design again and from there went on designing various tubular Small Craft (a Research Pinnace, a Ship’s Boat and a Launch). And as this is a quite interesting topic with roughly multiple dozens of these tiny vessels scuttering about even in the most remote civilised Starsystems the idea came up not only to model all the well known standard small craft but also the various proposed Small Craft variants by Ken Pick on Freelance Traveller.

So following now is a very unstructured list of vehicles, small craft, starships and – if I ever come that far – space stations and ground ports.

Why all this you might ask. I would be proud if the answer would be “to make big money”. But no, I’m a hobbyist. The answer is “just for fun”, to improve my skill set and to finally get my own Non-Traveller RPG/ PC-Game X-Over illustrated and published.

Book 2 Starship Design for Traveller5

There is a Traveller5 Ship Designer (requires Flash) here, which I plan to try out:

Recommended reading for Starship freaks is the Technical Manual:

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Workshop – Projects planned and in progress
Category: 3D-Model,Space Craft,Starship,Traveller,Vehicle,WIP,Workshop — admin @ 14:11
01 2013

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