Nov 05 2000

Starship – 500ton Corvette

Category: Project,StarshipMirco @ 6:32
 :HEADER Corvette Lurushaar Kilaalum EB-EA53, TL 13, 500 tons, MCr 308.2

Built on a 500-ton TL-13 winged airframe, the Corvette is the Navy’s equivalent of the Scout/Courier, only bigger, faster, and better armed. It is fitted with the Ansar b3-G jump drive, the Yard 7 mL/5 maneuver drive, and the Grid 5p Tokamak/L3 power plant, giving performance of Jump-3 and 5G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports one jump and three months of operations. It has fuel scoops for gas giant skimming. Adjacent to the bridge is a Model/3 computer and an extensive sensor suite. There are five hardpoints filled with an array of powerful weapons.


   Vol  No  Label                            MCr  Notes                         
 -----  --  ------------------------------ -----  ------------------------------
   500      Airframe Hull, lifters            42  A, lifters                    
   135      Jump Fuel (3  parsecs)             0  J3, 45t/pc                    
  67.5      Plant Fuel (3 months)              0  3 months                      
    10      Wings and fins                    10                                
     5      Flotation hull                     5                                
     5      Landing legs with pads             5                                
     1      Fuel Scoops 100t/hr              0.1  100t/hr                       
     1      Fuel Intakes 40t/hr              0.1  40t/hr                        
     2      Fuel Bins 40t/hr                 0.2  40t/hr                        
     4      Fuel Purifiers 16t/hr              4  16t/hr                        
     0      Vd Surf Proximeter               0.6                                
     0      Vd Surf Life Detector            0.6                                
     0      Vd Surf Activity Sensor          0.6                                
     0      Vd Surf Field Sensor             0.6                                
     0      Vd Surf Densitometer             0.6                                
     0      Vd Surf Mass Sensor              0.6                                
  8.25      Adv Maneuver Drive-5 (N)          50  5 G                           
    45      Imp Jump Drive-3 (H)              45  J 3                           
    40      Imp PowerPlant-5 (N)              40  P 5                           
     2      Life Support Long Term             2  40 person-months              
     1      Life Support Adaptable             1  10 sophonts                   
     8   2  Squad Barracks                   0.4  (5) R1 R1 R2 R2 R3            
     2   2  Emergency Low Berth                1  10 individuals                
     6      Commander's Suite                0.4  fresher + safe                
     6   2  AR B1 Missile                    6.4                                
     0      AV=6. 1 Blast Organic              0                                
    20      AV=13. 1 Rad Plate                 0                                
     0      AV=0. c Ablat                      0                                
     3      DS T4 CommCaster                12.5                                
     1      Vd T4 DataCaster                 2.5                                
     3      Vd B1 Beam Laser                 3.5                                
     0      DS Surf Communicator             3.5                                
     0      DS Surf Jammer                   3.5                                
     0      DS Surf Scope                    3.5                                
     0      DS Surf Neutrino Detector        3.5                                
     0      LR Surf EMS                      2.5                                
     0      LR Surf Stealth Mask             2.5                                
     2      Frozen Watch                       1  10 individuals                
     2      B Meson Screen                     2                                
     3      B Nuclear Damper                   2                                
     1      Medical Low Berth                0.5                                
     2      Counsellor                       0.2                                
     4      Surgery                            3                                
    20      Gig                               28                                
     4      Air/Raft Enclosed                0.1                                
    10      Hull Niche (Gig)                 1.5                                
     1      SL Bracket (Air/Raft)              2                                
   1.5   3  Crew Shared Fresher              1.5  4 crew                        
     2   2  Mail Vault                         0  for express contracts         
   0.5      Air Lock                         0.1                                
    24   6  Crew Lounge                        0                                
    12   6  Crew Stateroom                   0.6  1 crew                        
     3      Computer Model/3 std            10.5                                
     6      Cargo Hold Basic                   0                                
    26      Spacious Controls                  0                                
   500                              TOTALS   307

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