Okt. 09 2014

Rolling back to original Traveller Illustrated Theme…

Category: AllgemeinMirco @ 14:03

Hi everybody. After dabbling around with approximately 15 different themes I liked the old one best and rolled back to that theme. It doesn’t support advanced menus, but this is a much simpler site than e.g. http://riftroamers.net, where my own Sci-Fi RPG resides and probably doesn’t need all that fancy blinky-blink stuff at all.

If you wish to comment on the site-design, please feel free to do so, but I am quite content atm.

Theme variants I recently tried:



And last but not least the old new scheme…



I think now I can concentrate on creating illustrations for Traveller again, instead of redesigning the website. Hope you like and agree…

Cheers, Mirco

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