Nov. 05 2000

Starship – 1200ton Colonial Cruiser

Category: Project,StarshipMirco @ 7:51
 :HEADER Frontier Cruiser Kinunir CF-MA44, TL 15, 1200 tons, MCr 882

Using a 1200-ton, TL15 hull, the Kinunir Class Frontier Cruiser is designed for patrol and internal peacekeeping within the Imperium. It mounts 2 Deltic Mk1827 JK Fusion power plants (power plant-Z), driving one Shva type r3-55 jump drive-Z (with integral r2-55 back-up), and 2 Dupree 734 impulse maneuver drives (maneuver drive-Z), giving a performance of jump-4 and 4G acceleration. Fuel tankage supports a 4 parsec jump, at 108t per parsec, and 3 months of operations. Attached to the bridge is a Prototype Computer Model/9 std. There are 10 staterooms and no low berths. Installed weaponry include 2 B1 Particle Accelerators, 2 B1 Missiles, and 8 T3 Beam Lasers. Cargo capacity is 2 tons. The ship has an airframe hull, with scoops and intakes for frontier refueling. 

Carried craft include a Fast Boat and 24 Drop Pods. The ship has 15 crew.


   Vol  No  Label                            MCr  Notes                         
 -----  --  ------------------------------ -----  ------------------------------
  1200      Airframe Hull, lifters            98  A, lifters                    
   432      Jump Fuel (4  parsecs)             0  4 parsec jump, at 108t per parsec
 129.6      Plant Fuel (3 months)              0  3 months                      
    12      Landing legs with pads            12                                
     1      Fuel Scoops                      0.1                                
     1      Fuel Purifiers                   0.1                                
     1      Fuel Intakes                     0.1                                
     1      Fuel Purifiers                   0.1                                
     6   2  AR B1 Particle Accelerator        11                                
     6   2  AR B1 Missile                    6.4                                
     8   8  Vd T3 Beam Laser                  12                                
     1      AR Ant Jammer                    1.5                                
     1      AR Ant Neutrino Detector         1.5                                
     1      AR Ant EMS                       1.5                                
     0      Vd Surf Densitometer             0.6                                
     0      Vd Surf Activity Sensor          0.6                                
     0      Vd Surf Proximeter               0.6                                
     0      Vd Surf Field Sensor             0.6                                
     2      B Meson Screen                     2                                
     3      B Nuclear Damper                   2                                
     2      B Black Globe                      5                                
     2      Cargo Hold Basic                   0                                
     4   2  Life Support Long Term             4  40 person-months              
    60      Company Barracks                   3  (70) 3 pl + O3 O2 R5 R3       
    20  10  Crew Stateroom                     1  1 crew                        
    12  12  Spacer Niche                     1.2  1 crew                        
    12  24  Drop Pod (3 per pod)              24                                
    18      Pro Computer Model/9 std         425                                
    40      Fast Boat + hangar                14                                
  23.5      Mod Maneuver Drive-4 (Z)          47  4 G                           
   125      Imp Jump Drive-4 (Z)             125  J 4                           
    73      Imp PowerPlant-4 (Z)              73  P 4                           
    96      AV=90. 3 Kinetic Charged           0                                
    60  15  Crew Common Space                  0                                
     2   2  Crew Common Fresher                2  10 crew                       
     1   2  Crew Shared Fresher                1  4 crew                        
    16  16  Magazine                           0  50 x Size-5                   
     0      AR Surf Communicator             1.5                                
     0      AR Surf Visor                    1.5                                
     0      AR Surf Stealth Mask             1.5                                
    28      Spacious Bridge                  1.6  3cc 10op 1ws                  
  1200                              TOTALS   882

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