Juli 24 2021

Neues vom Modularkutter

Category: Project,Space CraftMirco @ 14:53

Das Design wird um eine klappbare, mechanische Aussteifung ergänzt. Diese klappt vom oberen Verbindungsstück zu beiden seiten herunter ubd kann in mehreren Positionen arretiert. Beim Absetzen des Moduls klappen die seitlichen Aussteifungen herunter und rasten am Rumpf ein, sobald das Modul frei steht und der Kutter genügend Höhe erreicht hat.

Ein 3D-Modell folgt in Kürze…

Juli 25 2016

Small Craft – 40ton „Fast“ Pinnace (CT/MT)

Category: Project,Space CraftMirco @ 2:52

My take on the Classic Traveller „Fast“ Pinnace

The Classic Traveller 40 ton Pinnace – sometime called Fast Pinnace – features a sweep wing configuration. While the original concept was somewhat different, I chose to use a well tested approach and opted for the wing configuration of an F-14 aircraft. The above image shows the Pinnace in its standard or „B“ configuration, while the image below shows the default or „A“ configuration. The sweep-wing would have split the cargo bay horizontally if I’d left the wings the way they are depivcted in CT deckplans (or in F-14 renderings) and chopped part of the rear inner wing to an angle. This way the sweeped wing fits inside the engineering compartment alongside both sides of the cargo bay.

The rear features a large extracting lower cargo ramp and a shorter top gate that allows 4dt containers to be loaded. Two will fit lengthwise. Additional cargo needs to be breakbulk. Rearviews and from below are in the works. Also I’m about to build different nose sections, but that’s of low priority.

Vol Name TL Free Gs Fuel Duration MCr Computer Notes
40 Pinnace 12+ 24 5 2t 4 weeks 15.1 Model/2bis L2

NOTES: B = Lift Body. C = Cramped Bridge. K = Cargo Lock. L0 = Short Term Life Support. L2 = Long Term
Life Support. S = Spacious Bridge. +5 = Overtonnage by 5 tons.
Vol. Volume, in tons.
Name. Official name for the small craft.
TL. Technological Level at which this ship is manufactured.
Free. Open, configurable space, in tons.
Gs. Acceleration, in gravities.
Fuel/Duration. Fuel tank size, and operational time given a full tank.
MCr. Price of small craft in millions of credits.
Computer. Computer model installed by default.
lnk = link to external reference / original design


40t Fast Pinnace, using SmallCraftMaker

Descriptor    TL   Tons  Accel   Load   AV Ca Fl Ra So Psi In Se   MCr
Pinnace       14    40     4      22    30 10 10 10 10  0  10 10    9
Fast          +1          +1      -5                               +1
M-Drive                           +5                               x2
           TL 15    40t    5G     22t free                     MCr 20

Juli 24 2016

Small Craft – 40ton Slow Pinnace (CT)

Category: Project,Space CraftMirco @ 15:25

My take on the Classic Traveller Slow Pinnace. Standard or „fast“ Pinnace soon to follow.

Vol Name TL Free Gs Fuel Duration MCr Computer Notes
40 Slow Pinnace 9 30 2 0.5t 18 days 15.1 Model/1bis C

NOTES: B = Lift Body. C = Cramped Bridge. K = Cargo Lock. L0 = Short Term Life Support. L2 = Long Term
Life Support. S = Spacious Bridge. +5 = Overtonnage by 5 tons.
Vol. Volume, in tons.
Name. Official name for the small craft.
TL. Technological Level at which this ship is manufactured.
Free. Open, configurable space, in tons.
Gs. Acceleration, in gravities.
Fuel/Duration. Fuel tank size, and operational time given a full tank.
MCr. Price of small craft in millions of credits.
Computer. Computer model installed by default.
lnk = link to external reference / original design


The above image shows the folded lower fin in landing position.
The image below shows an intermediate position.


40t Slow Pinnace, using SmallCraftMaker (old draft p.276)

Descriptor    TL   Tons  Accel   Load   AV Ca Fl Ra So Psi In Se   MCr
Pinnace       14    40     4      22    30 10 10 10 10  0  10 10    9
Slow          -1          -2      +5                               -1
M-Drive                           +5                               x2
           TL 13    40t    2G     32t free                     MCr 16

Schlagwörter: , , ,

Jan. 21 2015

Small Craft – 30ton Ship’s Boat

Category: News,Space CraftMirco @ 0:03

Here it is, finally. The 30ton Ship’s Boat got a livery. And not a completely bad one I would say. The 4dt container in the image below is just a quick by-product that might see a bit of improvement in the future.


30ton Ship’s Boat, Copyright 2015: Traveller Illustrated

More to come…


Jan. 20 2015

Small Craft – An Overview

Category: News,Space CraftMirco @ 2:33

The mission of this site is to eventually model and texture all the common and some less common adventure class starships  (ACS) from Classic Traveller (CT). As of now I have modelled a good batch of craft that need a livery badly.

In order to see which ships or boats need one and to keep track of where I am with this venture I frequently render a group shot or parade of all (significant) models and texture variants. Of course I actually produced more texture variants for some than shown in the render below, but some were simply not to my liking. No need to bother anyone with those.


More to come…

Jan. 17 2015

Small Craft – 10 ton Sloop

Category: News,Space CraftMirco @ 18:23

Just a quick model of a tiny craft designed by HG_B over at CotI forums.

10ton Intrasystem Sloop

10ton Intrasystem Sloop

 And for the livery I think I’m going in the direction of a classic VW T1 bus… ☺

Nov. 21 2014

Starship – 200ton JG Safari Ship (WIP)

Category: Deckplan,Project,Space Craft,StarshipMirco @ 4:46

Judges Guild 200ton Safari 234 Class by KZM Industries

The Simba Safari is one of the Safari 234 Class built by KZM Industries on Warlock (Ley – 0529). It has numerous special features designed for the Out Hunter. The hull form is a wedge shaped, streamlined, lifting body, easily maneuverable in an atmosphere. The Safari Class is designed for landings in rough terrain with specially strengthened support gear. Capable of 1 G accelleration and Jump 2, this vessel is fitted with fuel scoops and a purification plant for it’s 50 tons of fuel. The bridge is eqipped with control stations for four; pilot, navigator, engineer, and gunner. The computer installed is a Model/1 bis with standard software package. A double turret is installed on the single hardpoint, mounting a SandCaster and a Beam Laser. Auxiliary vehicles comprise an internally stowed 4-ton air/raft and a dorsally mounted 20ton Launch/Lifeboat. Two tons are reserwed for cargo, with special cages fitted to hold 10 and 13 tons respectively. Interior fittings are of high quality, and the living quarters are especially luxurious.

The first ship of it’s Class carries the name „Starflame Safari“, others carry the name of memorable adventures/ safaris/ journeys: e.g. Rubesa Patrol, Nebula Rover, Dawn Trek, Rimward Run, Wilderness Wanderer, or like this vessel Simba Safari.

My self declared mission is to model all the iconic CT starships. Of course I want to portray a few that haven’t been covered by other artists in much detail before, such as this little beauty. The Safari 234 Class 200dt Judges Guild Safari Ship was featured in the supplement Simba Safari published by Judges Guild and now re-published in PDF form by GDW aka Far Future Enterprises on DriveThruRPG.com.

Vol Name TL Free Gs J PP Fuel Duration MCr Computer Crew Psgr. LB Notes
200 JG Safari Ship 14 25 1 2 2 50 one month 92.93 Computer Model/1 bis 6 8 0 sl,a/r,s20


 The image shows the ship with extracted wings and closed pop.up turret.

Continue reading „Starship – 200ton JG Safari Ship (WIP)“

Nov. 03 2014

Small Craft – 95ton Shuttle

Category: Community,Project,Space CraftMirco @ 13:38

Rosendal class Shuttle

95 ;Shuttle ;10 ;71 ;3 ;3t;33 days ;32.3 ;Model/3 ;K, L2, +5



The shuttle is a large interplanetary passenger and cargo vessel. This type of shuttle can operate between a port and an orbital facility fitted out to allow easy docking, but normally is used for interplanetary trade.

Now, there are several illustrations of Traveller shuttles and none of the deck plans that I am aware of actually show this particular craft as drawn by William H. Keith, Jr. for GDW’s Imperial Encyclopedia, but for me it is THE shuttle and so I went on to make a 3D model for my Frontier Transport.

This is what basically came out:



The craft can also be seen in the following images:



Rosendal Class 90ton Shuttle WIP

Rosendal Class 90ton Shuttle WIP

Okt. 30 2014

Small Craft Listing

Category: Project,Space CraftMirco @ 22:57

The following Small Craft List was compiled by Robert Eaglestone for the Citizens of the Imperium Forum. I use it here as a convenient listing to link all the small craft that I modeled (and will model) together. I might rip the List apart to have only a craft index here in the future and place the lines for each craft inside the corresponding craft’s article post. However I just got permission to leave it here as it is, and I think it’s  very convenient like this.

All craft were designed by Robert Eaglestone („robject“ on CotI) solely using Traveller5’s Adventure-Class Ships design system, with no modifications. Direct link to the original post with the file: Traveller 5 Small Craft List.pdf (CotI Login required).

20 ;Launch ;9 ;11 ;1 ;0.5t;5 weeks ;12.9 ;Model/1bis ;C, L0
20 ;Gig ;15 ;7.5 ;8 ;2t;5 weeks ;18.3 ;Model/2 ;B, C
30 ;Ship’s Boat ;13+ ;16 ;6 ;2t;4 weeks ;14.8 ;Model/1bis;
30 ;Slow Boat ;10 ;20 ;3 ;0.5t;16 days ;13 ;Model/1 ;C
40 ;Pinnace ;12+ ;24 ;5 ;2t;4 weeks ;19.4 ;Model/2 ;L2
40 ;Slow Pinnace ;9 ;30 ;2 ;0.5t;18 days ;15.1 ;Model/1bis ;C
40 ;SMC Shuttle ;12+ ;23 ;5 ;2t;4 weeks ;18 ;Model/1bis ;B, S
50 ;Modular Cutter ;11+ ;34 ;4 ;2t;4 weeks ;27 ;Model/3bis;
95 ;Shuttle ;10 ;71 ;3 ;3t;33 days ;32.3 ;Model/3 ;K, L2, +5

NOTES: B = Lift Body. C = Cramped Bridge. K = Cargo Lock. L0 = Short Term Life Support. L2 = Long Term

Life Support. S = Spacious Bridge. +5 = Overtonnage by 5 tons.


Vol.  Volume, in tons.

Name.  Official name for the small craft.

TL. Technological Level at which this ship is manufactured.

Free.  Open, configurable space, in tons.

Gs.  Acceleration, in gravities.

Fuel/Duration.  Fuel tank size, and operational time given a full tank.

MCr.  Price of small craft in millions of credits.

Computer.  Computer model installed by default.

This article has been transferred to a static page to make it available on the sidebar menu.

Okt. 29 2014

Small Craft – The Gig revisited…

Category: Allgemein,Project,Space CraftMirco @ 21:03

Well I had this model for a while. But it lacked a certain something. Now what might that be? Interior? Landing gear? A mounted Weapon? Drive exhaust trails? A Pilot?

Let’s have a look…

20 ;Gig ;15 ;7.5 ;8 ;2t;5 weeks ;18.3 ;Model/2 ;B, C

20ton Gig WIP 01

20ton Gig WIP 01

I could be color.


This is a larger 30ton variant. But you get the idea. I’m on a mission to texture all my existing models.

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