Jan. 26 2015

Starship – RIC Star Class Armored Merchant

Category: News,StarshipMirco @ 16:04

Finally a textured model of the 300ton Armored Merchant. The image below shows the vessel in her Rhaan Interstellar Corp (RIC) livery.

Rhaan Interstellar Corp - 300dt Star Class Armored Merchant "Solar Flare"

Rhaan Interstellar Corp – 300dt Star Class Armored Merchant „Solar Flare“

Star Class Traveller 5 Stats


Name TL Free Gs J PP Fuel Duration MCr Computer Crew Psgr. LB Notes


Armored Merchant 12 50 1 3 3 99 one month 135.36 Computer Model/2 bis 6 8 10 sl,a/r

Star Class Traveller SRD Stats

The standard Air/Raft features a matching paint job with RIC logo, while the 4ton standard Container sports an Imperiallines livery.

Jan. 21 2015

Small Craft – 30ton Ship’s Boat

Category: News,Space CraftMirco @ 0:03

Here it is, finally. The 30ton Ship’s Boat got a livery. And not a completely bad one I would say. The 4dt container in the image below is just a quick by-product that might see a bit of improvement in the future.


30ton Ship’s Boat, Copyright 2015: Traveller Illustrated

More to come…


Jan. 20 2015

Small Craft – An Overview

Category: News,Space CraftMirco @ 2:33

The mission of this site is to eventually model and texture all the common and some less common adventure class starships  (ACS) from Classic Traveller (CT). As of now I have modelled a good batch of craft that need a livery badly.

In order to see which ships or boats need one and to keep track of where I am with this venture I frequently render a group shot or parade of all (significant) models and texture variants. Of course I actually produced more texture variants for some than shown in the render below, but some were simply not to my liking. No need to bother anyone with those.


More to come…

Jan. 17 2015

Small Craft – 10 ton Sloop

Category: News,Space CraftMirco @ 18:23

Just a quick model of a tiny craft designed by HG_B over at CotI forums.

10ton Intrasystem Sloop

10ton Intrasystem Sloop

 And for the livery I think I’m going in the direction of a classic VW T1 bus… ☺

Jan. 13 2015

Vehicle – Air/Raft Variants

Category: VehicleMirco @ 15:05

Standard open top Air/Raft

TL 9, 4 tons, Cr 90,000.
A light gravitic vehicle. An air/raft can usually cruise at 100 kph (but is extremely subject to wind effects). Top speed varies depending on size and model. An air/raft can reach orbit in several hours (number of hours equal to planetary size digit in the UPP); passengers must wear vacc suits and interplanetary travel in an air/raft is not possible. Life support must be recharged daily. An air/raft can carry up to ten persons or two tons of cargo for the larger variants. The air/raft is unpressurized and usually open-topped. Presdurized enclosed variants exist.

Halcyon open Air/Raft TL 13


The Air/Raft is inspired by a model from Robert Pearce and follows the general shape.
Craft ID: Halcyon Four-man Open Air/Raft, TL 13, Cr 492,000 (std MCr 866,000)

Hull:   1/1, Disp=2, Config=4SL, Armor=6F, Open-top 20%
        Unloaded= 3.038 tons, loaded= 14.272 tons

Power:  1/2, Fusion=0.6 MW, Duration= 20/60

Loco:   1/2, LowPowHiG Thrust=17 tons, Avionics
        (loaded) NOE=57 kph, Cruise=171 kph, Top=228 kph
        (unloaded) NOE=170, Cruise=750 kph, Top=1000 kph
        (unloaded, vacuum) NOE=170, Cruise= 2758 kph, Top= 3678 kph

Commo:  Radio=far orbit x1, MaserComm=far orbit

Sensors: ActEMS=Vdist, PassEMS=Vdist,
        ActObjScan=Diff, ActObjPin=Diff, PassEngScan=Form

Off/Def: Hardpoint x1

Control: Computer=Mod 0 x2, Panel=Dynalink x8,

Accom:  Crew=1 (driver), seats=adequate x4

Other:  Cargo=11.167 kl, Fuel=0.96 kl,
        ObjSize=small, EMLevel=Moderate

Hurakan enclosed Air/Raft TL 13


Craft ID: Four-man Enclosed Air/Raft, TL 13, MCr 1.394 (std MCr 2.12)

Hull:   1/1, Disp=3, Config=4SL, Armor=10F,
        Unloaded=7 tons, loaded=27 tons

Power:  1/2, Fusion=1.4 MW, Duration=20/60

Loco:   1/2, LowPowHiG Thrust=33 tons,
        (loaded) NOE=65 kph, Cruise=194 kph, Top=258 kph
        (unloaded) NOE=170, Cruise=750 kph, Top=1000 kph
        (unloaded, vacuum) NOE=170, Cruise=2445 kph, Top=3260 kph

Commo:  Radio=far orbit x1, LaserComm=far orbit, MaserComm=far orbit

Sensors: EMMasking, ActEMS=Vdist, PassEMS=Vdist, Dens/LoPen=50m,
        Neutrino=100 kW,
        ActObjScan=Diff, ActObjPin=Diff, PassObjScan=Diff,
        PassObjPin=Diff, PassEngScan=Diff, PassEngPin=Diff

Off/Def: Hardpoint x1

Control: Computer=Mod 0 x2, Panel=dynalink x23,
        Environ=(BasEnv, BasLS)

Accom:  Crew=1 (driver), seats=adequate x4

Other:  Cargo=20 kl, Fuel=1.672 kl, HoloRecorder x2,
        ObjSize=small, EMLevel=Faint

Jan. 07 2015

Equipment – Collapsible Auxiliary Fuel Tankage (CAFT)

Category: Equipment,Starship UpgradeMirco @ 12:39

The TL12 Collapsible Auxilliary Fuel Tankage (CAFT) is an optional addition to a cargo bay to store liquid hydrogen as additional fuel tankage inside the cargo bay. The material is flexible and conforming so no cargo capacity is wasted. Each CAFT is crafted for a specific cargo bay. Interchangeability is possible for identical cargo bays. Fuel Transfer Pumps are necessary to use the CAFT, so each cargo bay has to be fittet with the appropriate equipment (one Fuel Transfer Pump per CAFT). All CAFTs have a Cellular Design which allows incremental filling and emptying, as well as refining into the CAFTs when Fuel Processors are installed (unrefined fuel to be pumped through the processor into the CAFT (in increments of the cellular capacity (usually 2tons for ACS). Processing is possible from CAFT into another CAFT or from Main Tankage into CAFT or vice versa.

Outfitters usually have CAFTs available for the most common adventure class ships (e.g. Free Trader, Far Trader, Subsidized Merchant, etc.), though there are some ships that simply do not have enough cargo space. These Standard CAFTs have the necessary Fuel Transfer Pumps slotted into their respective deployment frames. These standard CAFTs are available at a discount. See below.

Individually manufactured CAFT per 10 ton cargo bay filled: 0,1 ton (1 percent reduction in capacity) and 0,1 MCr

Installation of piping or additional fuel transfer pumps requires at least Class C starwort facilities, an additional week of layover and lots of credits. Ships with Fuel Processors usually have the necessary piping already in place. Also available are man-portable Fuel Transfer Pumps (MFTP), but the Ship needs to have the required piping installed to use these pumps.

Scout/Seeker Type J: This is a modified surplus Type-S Scout/Courier that has two 10 ton ore bays and already comes with a 10 ton Dismountable Fuel Tank, reducing ore capacity to 10 tons and increasing fuel capacity to 40 tons. As CAFTs are available from 10tons capacity up, there is no CAFT for the Scout/Seeker or any ship with less than 10tons in a single cargo bay available. The standard Type-S has only 3tons of cargo.

Safari Ship

Free Trader, Far Trader, Armored Merchant, Fat Trader, etc.
10ton CAFT, 1ton packaged, Fuel Transfer Pumps included, Cellular Design (2ton Cells)
20ton CAFT, 2ton packaged, Fuel Transfer Pumps included, Cellular Design (2ton Cells)
30ton CAFT, 3ton packaged, Fuel Transfer Pumps included, Cellular Design (2ton Cells)
40ton CAFT, 4ton packaged, Fuel Transfer Pumps included, Cellular Design (2ton Cells)

Similar Equipment

Dismountable Fuel Tanks (DFT): These auxiliary tanks are included in the original ship design (see Seeker Class).
DropTanks (DT): These are external Tanks that are jettisoned prior to Jump (see Gazelle Class).
Fuel Bays (FB): Cargo Bays designed to carry fuel or liquids (see Traveller 5 Core Rules)