Jan. 16 2025

Traveller Illustrated Site Update

Category: Allgemein,NewsMirco @ 23:47

To reflect the changes in the ownership of the Traveller game, I just finished updating all the required Copyright notices to:

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Mongoose Publishing. Copyright 1977 – 2024 Mongoose Publishing.

I also changed the Disclaimer page copyright notice to:

The Traveller, 2300AD and Twilight: 2000 games in all forms are owned by Mongoose Publishing. Copyright 1977 – 2024 Mongoose Publishing. Traveller is a registered trademark of Mongoose Publishing.
Mongoose Publishing permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Mongoose Publishing is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Mongoose Publishing’s copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Far Future Enterprises. Marc Miller’s publishing site for the Traveller CD-ROMS.

Next steps: notify Mongoose Publishing about the existence of my site via: sales@mongoosepublishing.com

Nov. 16 2021

Sightings of the 300dt Armored Merchant

Category: AllgemeinMirco @ 0:29

I just watched „Mr. Welch’s Mad Musings: Traveller“ and arriving at 10 mins and a couple of seconds she came up for a full 30 seconds. I guess Mr. Welch took the liberty to chose to ignore the licensing terms of my image or maybe wasn’t aware of them at the time he produced the video. But it’s been out 2 years and the image wasn’t really featured or presented in a way that conflicts with my interests, so I chose to ignore that too (but: that’s MY choice, Mr. Welch, and should be, as it’s my artwork).

And to present the object of non-objection, here she is, the ship in all it’s rendered glory.

Rhaan Interstellar Corp – 300dt Star Class Armored Merchant „Solar Flare“

And as I did a second ship textured as the „Deep Skies“ featuring the website of the original artwork creator for this craft Tom Peters (https://www.tpeters.com), I might as well present it here too. Thanks Tom for this amazing ship and for being friends, btw.

Star-Class Armored Merchant

Juli 24 2021

Neues vom Modularkutter

Category: Project,Space CraftMirco @ 14:53

Das Design wird um eine klappbare, mechanische Aussteifung ergänzt. Diese klappt vom oberen Verbindungsstück zu beiden seiten herunter ubd kann in mehreren Positionen arretiert. Beim Absetzen des Moduls klappen die seitlichen Aussteifungen herunter und rasten am Rumpf ein, sobald das Modul frei steht und der Kutter genügend Höhe erreicht hat.

Ein 3D-Modell folgt in Kürze…

Juni 02 2021

Random Doodle

Category: Allgemein,News,Starship,Traveller ArtMirco @ 15:02

Just found in a pile of papers.

The Pukhara Scout „Smiling Jack“ docked to the dorsal AirLock of the „ISV W.Connors“
Below the scene the FarTrader „Diamond Heart“ sneaks by.

Eine Skizze, die ich heute in einem Papierstapel fand.

Juni 08 2017

Web Findings

Category: AllgemeinMirco @ 8:27

I’ve just started to play Traveller (MgT, Version 1) with my kids and needed to update my GM library of useful tools. Fillable PDF forms are always worth stowing away. So here are two nice sheets. One is a fillable variant.



März 15 2017

Traveller Starport Classes

Category: Community,News,Project,StarportMirco @ 3:51

Way back when, there was an article about Starports in Traveller titled „Happy Landings“ by Thomas M. Price, published in White Dwarf magazine. It featured quite a few nice details about the layout of typical starports and also set the perspective of scale to another magnitude. A few days ago, I decided to create these starport types in Blender for potential future use in a 3D animation or just for reference.

Class E Starport

I started with the most simple installation, the Class E starport. This one comes in two variants. One with and one without an adjacent Scout Base. The first and second preview renders show both versions. You can see the circular shape of the scout base in the distance in the second picture.

Class D Starport

Then, based on the models created for the Class E, I started assembling a Class D starport, which also adds a startown to the concept. There also is a scout base shown in the distance. The whole port including it’s startown is circumfenced, as both – starport and startown – are under imperial jurisdiction and thus extrateritorial land on any planet. The port itself is also separated from the startown, to prevent civilians and drunken sailors alike roaming the installation. Being somewhat larger, the Class D port also features more Parking Bays.

Class C Starport

Based on that Class D starport mock-up, the Class C was created, adding more parking bays and pads, as well as a larger startown.

Class B Starport

Again based on the previous effort, this installation already shows size. Featuring two Landing Fields, connected by expansive Taxiways, that also lead to as many as 20 Parking Bays – not counting the Scout Base shown in the distance. The Startown again grew to about twice the size of the next lower Starport Class and the Support installations between the Landing Fields boast numerous Repair Hangars, Warehouses and Storage Facilities. The Size of the circumfenced area is aproximately 6 by 11 kilometres (for comparison: the runway portion of the landing field is aproximately 1 kilometre wide, with a total length of 5 kilometres (including the landing pad on one end).

If time permits me to do so, I will try to assemble a Class A starport next week. More renders will follow, as I plan to improve the materials and texturing. Also in this process I will try to define individual components to be reused without the need of individual editing. I hope to be able to create various starport layouts using these common components later.

Class A Starport

This time the Class A Starport differs slightly from the „Happy Landings“ Article, featuring more Parking Bays and an enclosed Navy Base. The image shows an Installation capable of servicing close to 500 smaller starships (up to 1000 tons) in its 71 parking bays plus a few hundred on the three landing fields.


I plan to refine the materials an texture details. The landing field an Runways are to get some basic markings showing the runway and parallel taxiways, as well as the landing pad and the parking positions on the field. The scale of most of the hangars is off. These need to be scaled upwareds by a factor of 2.5 to 5 depending on the model used. The other models are all in the same scale as my Traveller starships.

The Class A Starport devellopment is currently on hold. I will first split the starports into individual files (they are all in the same file currently), to bring down the polycount, as the Class A Starport boasts as many as 60+ Landing Bays, three Landing fields (one being a Navy Base), all the associated support infrastructure and a Startown even larger than adjacent to the Class B Starport.

Textures are either procedural, or based on textures from maxTextures. Except for a few buildings from „Utopia City Blocks“ (by Stonemason). Parts of the Startown are made with Scene City (though some changes were necessary to get the total count of tris from more than 75 million down to something manageable by my computer).

I stumbled over the „Happy Landings“ Article while cruising the web on my regular sites. The „Atomic Rockets“ section of Project Rho featured the Maps used to assemble the models.

Schlagwörter: , , , , , ,

Juli 25 2016

Small Craft – 40ton „Fast“ Pinnace (CT/MT)

Category: Project,Space CraftMirco @ 2:52

My take on the Classic Traveller „Fast“ Pinnace

The Classic Traveller 40 ton Pinnace – sometime called Fast Pinnace – features a sweep wing configuration. While the original concept was somewhat different, I chose to use a well tested approach and opted for the wing configuration of an F-14 aircraft. The above image shows the Pinnace in its standard or „B“ configuration, while the image below shows the default or „A“ configuration. The sweep-wing would have split the cargo bay horizontally if I’d left the wings the way they are depivcted in CT deckplans (or in F-14 renderings) and chopped part of the rear inner wing to an angle. This way the sweeped wing fits inside the engineering compartment alongside both sides of the cargo bay.

The rear features a large extracting lower cargo ramp and a shorter top gate that allows 4dt containers to be loaded. Two will fit lengthwise. Additional cargo needs to be breakbulk. Rearviews and from below are in the works. Also I’m about to build different nose sections, but that’s of low priority.

Vol Name TL Free Gs Fuel Duration MCr Computer Notes
40 Pinnace 12+ 24 5 2t 4 weeks 15.1 Model/2bis L2

NOTES: B = Lift Body. C = Cramped Bridge. K = Cargo Lock. L0 = Short Term Life Support. L2 = Long Term
Life Support. S = Spacious Bridge. +5 = Overtonnage by 5 tons.
Vol. Volume, in tons.
Name. Official name for the small craft.
TL. Technological Level at which this ship is manufactured.
Free. Open, configurable space, in tons.
Gs. Acceleration, in gravities.
Fuel/Duration. Fuel tank size, and operational time given a full tank.
MCr. Price of small craft in millions of credits.
Computer. Computer model installed by default.
lnk = link to external reference / original design


40t Fast Pinnace, using SmallCraftMaker

Descriptor    TL   Tons  Accel   Load   AV Ca Fl Ra So Psi In Se   MCr
Pinnace       14    40     4      22    30 10 10 10 10  0  10 10    9
Fast          +1          +1      -5                               +1
M-Drive                           +5                               x2
           TL 15    40t    5G     22t free                     MCr 20

Juli 24 2016

Small Craft – 40ton Slow Pinnace (CT)

Category: Project,Space CraftMirco @ 15:25

My take on the Classic Traveller Slow Pinnace. Standard or „fast“ Pinnace soon to follow.

Vol Name TL Free Gs Fuel Duration MCr Computer Notes
40 Slow Pinnace 9 30 2 0.5t 18 days 15.1 Model/1bis C

NOTES: B = Lift Body. C = Cramped Bridge. K = Cargo Lock. L0 = Short Term Life Support. L2 = Long Term
Life Support. S = Spacious Bridge. +5 = Overtonnage by 5 tons.
Vol. Volume, in tons.
Name. Official name for the small craft.
TL. Technological Level at which this ship is manufactured.
Free. Open, configurable space, in tons.
Gs. Acceleration, in gravities.
Fuel/Duration. Fuel tank size, and operational time given a full tank.
MCr. Price of small craft in millions of credits.
Computer. Computer model installed by default.
lnk = link to external reference / original design


The above image shows the folded lower fin in landing position.
The image below shows an intermediate position.


40t Slow Pinnace, using SmallCraftMaker (old draft p.276)

Descriptor    TL   Tons  Accel   Load   AV Ca Fl Ra So Psi In Se   MCr
Pinnace       14    40     4      22    30 10 10 10 10  0  10 10    9
Slow          -1          -2      +5                               -1
M-Drive                           +5                               x2
           TL 13    40t    2G     32t free                     MCr 16

Schlagwörter: , , ,

Juli 07 2016

GURPS Traveller Bundle of Holding

Category: Community,NewsMirco @ 12:23

Grab it while you can. I just topped up my Traveller eBook library with the available Bundles of Holding and from what you get – at less than 50 bucks – it’s very much worth the investment, I’d say (even though I already own GURPS Traveller 1E and Starports paperback editions).

GURPS Traveller Essentials Bundle of Holding contains:


  • GURPS Traveller 2E
  • Starships
  • First In
  • Deck Plan 5: Sulieman-Class Scout/Courier


  • Behind the Claw
  • Humaniti
  • Starports
  • Modular Cutter
  • Deck Plan 2: Modular Cutter
  • Deck Plan 1: Beowulf-Class Free Trader

GURPS Traveller Imperial Survey BoH contains:


  • Far Trader
  • Alien Races 1
  • Planetary Survey 3: Granicus
  • Deck Plan 3: Empress Marava Far Trader


  • Alien Races 2
  • Alien Races 3
  • Alien Races 4
  • Planetary Survey 1: Kamsii
  • Planetary Survey 2: Denuli
  • Planetary Survey 4: Glisten

How it works: The starter collections begin with attractive low prices, which can be topped off by paying more to get the bonus colletion included. The price raises over time depending on previous payments. A quick descision pays off.

Schlagwörter: , , ,

Jan. 08 2016

Happy New Year

Category: AllgemeinMirco @ 4:56

This new year already is a few days old but even if a bit late, I wanted to take the opportunity to wish you all a very happy and healthy 2016. Thank you so much for frequently or occasionally visiting my site. So what am I up to with the site this year?

There will be at least one new ship being presented and produced that I have started to work on in 2014 already. It was a proposed collaboration with Ian Steed, which didn’t make it into reality, because several personal aspekts of my life strained my wellbeing and I fell into a big creative lock.

Sory, Ian, for not having been able to do my part. Sorry, my readers, for lack of content. That’s going to change.


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