Starship – 2000ton Type-TJ Frontier Transport
General Information
Using a 2000-ton, TL15 hull, the Type-TJ Class Transport mounts jump drive-V3 and power plant-V3, giving a performance of jump-6. Fuel tankage supports a 6 parsec jump, at 200t per parsec, and 0.5 months of operations. Attached to the bridge is a Computer Model/6 std. There are 12 crew staterooms and 5 low berths. Installed weaponry include 3 T3 Missiles, 3 T3 Fusion Guns, and 4 T3 Sandcasters. The ship does have 40 tons of cargo space. The ship has a streamlined hull, with scoops for frontier refueling.
Carried craft include 1 Cargo Shuttle, 1 Air/Raft Enclosed, and 1 Grapple Set Triple. The ship has 6 crew plus gunners, flight and troops, and can carry 5 low passengers.
At Jump-6 this design is essentially not possible as there is no way to fit these stats into the ship while still retaining a 300dt (4050kl) Cargo bay. My design has 36dt overtonnage to fit a 40dt cargobay inside. rediculously small I’d say. And the concept of computers seems to have changed in T5, because neither this nor the Type-TI could ever fit thre Model/9 computers ito the hull and still come close to the MT stats.
J5 Variant
There will be a J5 design IMTU which has 300 tons of cargo. Interesting, the Jump-5, version hits the other MT stats of the Type-TJ exatly, here js the YML source file to compare: Type-TJ_Jump-5-Variant
J6 Variant with drop tanks
I will design a drop tank for the ship that would be useable by both variants. Maybe this way a Jump 6 version with 300dt cargobay becomes possible. As I designed the ship with ghe crevice undrrneath the hull as pictured in the MT Rebellion Sourcebook, that hull extension would fit in there exactly. The shuttle hangar has to be put on Deck B and C though (as in the deckpkans above). But that is low priority now.
2500 dt Variant/redesign (followong the MgT stats)
Yet another possibility would be to increase the base volume to 2500 dt to get more volume, but that needs to be designed still. The 2500 ton Type-TI/TJ Frontier Transport will be discussed on it’s own page.
Vol;Name;TL;Free;Gs;J;PP;Fuel;Duration;MCr;Computer;Crew;Psgr.;LB;Notes |
2000;Frontier Transport;15;40;6;6;2;440;one Month;588,3;Model/5 bis;20;0;5;sl,fs,s95,a/r |
Transport T-VS06 Type-TJ_v0-1 MCr789.7
Builder: Bilstein Yards
Disposition: In Service
Frontier Transport (Cost OTU: MCr975.7)
Cargo should be 300 tons, we have 40 tons here an still 36.5 tons overtonnage.
Frontier Transport serve mainly Class-C starport near the fringe of the Imperium. They do not normally carry passengers and are known for their very cramped crew living quarters, but out being on a special imperial duty these crews might be driven by more than comfort.
Overtonnage: 36.5 tons
Crew comfort: -2
Passenger demand: -5
[code] Tons Component MCr Notes ------- ----------------------------------- ----- -------------------- 2000 Streamlined Hull, lifters 142 S, lifters 20 Flotation hull 20 10 Fins 5 0 AV=15. 1 Blast Plate 0 60 Plant Fuel (0.5 months) 0 0.5 months 1200 Jump Fuel (6 parsecs) 0 6 parsec jump, at 200t per parsec 4 4x Fuel Scoops 0.4 #4 305 Jump Drive-6 (V3) 305 J 6 181 PowerPlant-6 (V3) 181 P 6 12 12x Fuel Purifiers 1.2 #12 0 LR Surf EMS 2.5 0 AR Surf CommPlus 1.5 0 AR Surf HoloVisor 1.5 0 AR Surf Radar 1.5 0 LR Surf Communicator 2.5 0 LR Surf Scanner 2.5 0 Vd Surf Deep Radar 0.6 0 2x DS Surf EMS 7 #2 0 2x D Surf Densitometer 0.6 #2 6 3x LR T3 Missile 9.6 #3 9 3x Fo T3 Fusion Gun 19.5 #3 4 4x Vd T3 Sandcaster 4.4 #4 3 B Nuclear Damper 2 5 5x Emergency Low Berth 2.5 #5 10 individuals 2 Clinic 1 2 Life Support Long Term 2 40 person-months 6 Computer Model/6 std 39 26 Standard Bridge 3.1 10cc 6op 10ws 4 Crew Lounge 0 2 2x Crew Common Fresher 2 #2 10 crew 24 12x Crew Stateroom 1.2 #12 1 crew 2.5 5x Low Berth 0.5 #5 1 passenger 40 Cargo Hold Basic 0 95 Cargo Shuttle 22 4 Air/Raft Enclosed 0.1 6 Grapple Set Triple 6 up to 105t 4 Vehicle Lock 0 [/code]
[code] Frontier Transport[/code] Design source files: ACS-T-VS06-Type-TJ_v0-1
Notes: A 2000-ton Streamlined hull It sports the Systems Inc. L-652| jump drive, the ISMM Model o.07 maneuver drive, and the Zahinyo 6.0|/o power plant, and is capable of Jump-6 and 0G acceleration. STATISTICS Table showing tail numbers and construction information for the Type TI class. Information correct as of 001-1099. Building Keel Laid First Current Tail ID Shipyard Down Flight Status ____________ __________________ _________ _________ _________ TI-14157 Yard 11 No. 1 34-1090 163-1093 Captured TI-14174 Piorabanti 115-1090 86-1091 Fitting Out TI-14176 Yard 22 No. 1 303-1090 150-1093 In Service TI-14182 Yard 16 No. 1 221-1090 152-1093 Scrapped TI-14189 Zagado 328-1090 48-1092 In Service TI-14193 Yard 17 354-1090 64-1094 Captured TI-14206 Sabaald 292-1090 187-1093 In Service TI-14207 Sabaald 234-1090 159-1093 In Service TI-14214 Highlans 304-1090 300-1092 Building TI-14225 Mars 30-1091 74-1093 Fitting Out TI-14258 Yard 22 No. 1 100-1091 156-1093 In Service TI-14276 Yard 22 No. 1 294-1091 363-1094 In Service TI-14281 Mars 6-1092 354-1092 Fitting Out TI-14290 Gashidda No. 3 151-1092 171-1094 In Service TI-14301 Zagado 308-1092 165-1093 Lost 1100 TI-14322 Gashidda No. 1 286-1092 216-1094 In Service TI-14330 Mars 76-1093 125-1094 Captured TI-14343 Yard 22 No. 1 159-1093 30-1096 Scrapped TI-14350 GSB, AG 174-1093 289-1094 In Service TI-14375 General Shipyards 328-1093 245-1094 Fitting Out TI-14382 Mars 20-1094 70-1096 Building TI-14393 Mars 148-1094 23-1095 In Service TI-14399 Sabaald 239-1094 290-1097 In Service TI-14414 Mars 90-1095 231-1098 In Service TI-14420 GSB, AG 322-1095 331-1098 In Service